Xacars not connecting - problem

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Today 4:58 PM
I am new to Air Child and first of all want to say hello. I used to fly for another va for some years, the idea behind Air Child is really convincing.
I now try to fly my first flight using Xplane10.11 and xacars (which is familiar due to the former va) and continuously can't connect to the acars server (error message). I used the ini-file from my profile, so data should be correct. I also tried flight data and ini with Xacars for FSX and can connect there. So could be a problem with Xacars and Xplane?

So can someone help me please?

XPlane and Xacars working fine here. Is your password correctly entered in Xacars preferences?
Hello Karl-Heinz,

welcome to Air-Child and greetings to Munich (Bayern oder 1860 :lol: )
I'm not a X-Plane expert, but we have more then one here, so I'm shur we will solve your problem shortly.

Best regards
Hi Karl-Heinz,

Take a look at this thread: http://www.air-child.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1831
I think you have the same problem.



PS.- XAcars is working fine with X-Plane in my configuration.
Thank you for your nice welcome and your assistence.

Unfortunately I have been unable to solve the problem following your advice. I checked the plugin and the data in the ini, all seems to be as required. Every time I try to connect the following message results: ERROR: Connection to ACARS server failed: [Check URL.] This can also be found in the log file.

Any other idea?

Thanks und cheers

OK, let's check everything step by step.
You can also read
That was a case where the fault was with the password.
Anyway, you can open the file "xacars.ini" with a text-editor. Check this lines (they are working):

Address = http://www.air-child.com/pirep/xacars/liveacars.php
PIREP = http://www.air-child.com/pirep/xacars/pirep.php
FlightInfo = http://www.air-child.com/pirep/xacars/flightdata.php

the next ones are User (your ACH-ID) and your password.

I know you are using X-Plane 10.11 (like me) but which OS are you using?

Hi Ricardo,

the data in Xacars seems to be correct, I checked the ini-file according to your post.

I use Xplane 10.11 with Windows 7 64bit.

Best regards

If XAcars is installed at the just place (in the folder Resources - plugins), xacars.xpl and folder XAcars with xacars.ini, AND if the data (addresses) for the servers of Air-Child and username and password are correct in xacars.ini AND X-Plane is working normally... then it must work
If it still doesn't work... I do not know it anymore.
Anyway, the error you mentioned earlier was "Connection to ACARS server failed: [Check URL.]". It means at least one of the addresses in xacars.ini is wrong.
I could help you further only if I can see your screen, for example if you use Skype with the option Screen Sharing. My nickname there is "RemenNL".

Hi Karl-Heinz,

I see in our interactive map you are flying. This means you are connected with the Air-Child servers.
I am curious to know what was the problem with XAcars for X-Plane and what did you do to fixed it...


PS.- It's important for other X-Plane users with problems in the future. Thanks.
I found a workaround which surprisingly was successful. I used XPUIPC in Xplane and Xacars for FSX, both communicated well. So I could log my first ACh flight today, a good start into 2013. However, together with XPUIPC XSquawkBox seems to be unwilling to connect to any Vatsim server. Yet another problem to be solved (but one after the other).

Thank you all for your support. I wish you a happy new year 2013!

Regards from Munich

Fine you can finally fly for Air-Child, Karl-Heinz.

I do not know XPUIPC (the name say it already, I think it's an add-on for Windows-users).
That's why I do not understand how your configuration looks like.
Are using XAcars for FSX or XAcars for XPlane?
Are you flying with FSX or with X-Plane 10.11?

It's not really important, just curiosity, and maybe a good experience for X-Plane users.

Hi Ricardo,

I am happy to provide you with further details. I used Xplane 10.11 with XPUIPC on Win7 64bit. I connected to the ACH servers with XACARS for FSX/FS2004, which is a seperate install, via XPUIPC while running Xplane (instead of using the XACARS plugin in XPlane).


that is a bit strange the way you got it reporting. Ricardo went through this some time ago and after reading the posts, I forgot to put the ACH specific config file in the XACARS folder. That replaced the old XACARS set up, and I was able to send the PIREP from last night this morning. It works like a charm, only if and when the instructions are followed. XACARS can be a challenge when the code is not set up correctly for the specific airlines and the flight numbers and details associated with the flight numbers.

Long story short, hello my fellow X-Plane simmers. I am new at ACH, however, I've been flying X-Plane since 2007. I retired from a couple of airlines in the process, and find ACH and its philosophy very refreshing - so I wanted to give it a try.

I fly version 9.70. The V10 needs the major bugs in terms of flight dynamics addressed, before I transfer to V10. And that may be a while. The V9.70 is very stable in that department, however, not as flashy from the scenery standpoint. And on top of that I need to upgrade my hardware before I get the V10.

I'll see you in the skies!

It's nice to be a part of a good cause.

~ Frank Calaghan.
I had the same problem of Karl Heinz and I think many others, i.e. ERROR: Connection to ACARS server failed: [Check URL.]

I installed XACARS and the ini file downloaded from my ACH profile, entered my password and all the rest, still didn't work. At last I realized the problem: the ini file downloaded from my ACH profile did not contain the FlightInfo = http://www.air-child.com/pirep/xacars/flightdata.php mentioned by Ricardo in one of his posts. I entered that in the ini file and now it works :)

Hope this can help other fellow Air-Childers.
Blue skies to all
Maybe I was overly optimistic... at the end of the flight, when trying to submit the PIREP, I got an error message saying XACARS could not find the host, and that I may re-try submitting the PIREP later... at least I could save the PIREP and will try again tomorrow resubmitting it... did anybody else had a similar experience? Hope to sort this out and log more flights here...
Fly safe...
Problem solved. Here the solution which worked for me, hope it can help other Captains: once launched xacars while in x-plane, open 'XACARS preferences' and make sure the three lines already shared by Ricardo are correctly reported there. I copy them again here for the sake of clarity:

Address = http://www.air-child.com/pirep/xacars/liveacars.php
PIREP = http://www.air-child.com/pirep/xacars/pirep.php
FlightInfo = http://www.air-child.com/pirep/xacars/flightdata.php

In my case at least, despite having diligently copied from my profile the ini file and pasted in the correct xacars folder, those lines were not correctly reported hence the failure. Once written manually in the XACARS preferences it worked perfectly. Way more primitive than the PIREPS produced by FS Flightkeeper but enough to support our VA.
Blue skies to all and many thanks to Ricardo for his valuable guidance.
Has anybody tried XPUIPC with FS Flight Keeper? I'm currently using the 64bit version of Xplane and as the Xacars plugin is 32bit it can't work. I'm not even sure if Xacars is actively maintained anymore. Their page seems a bit outdated to be honest.

The developer of Flight Keeper seems to be working on a Xplane compatible version but who knows how long that will take...
I can't answer the first question since I never used XUIPC and don't know in which way it differs from FSUIPC. Just about this ....
I'm not even sure if Xacars is actively maintained anymore. Their page seems a bit outdated to be honest
The XAcars site always looked that way. ;)
However, I don't know if the webmaster, Bernhard Harb (aka ACH0013), is currently around or not. His last Air-Child report dates back to July 2012 :|
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