PMDG 737 NGX Unable to do Full Autoland

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Today 11:22 PM
Hi everyone! For the past two days, I have been trying to do a full autoland with the PMDG 737-800 NGX. The flight was from KBUR to KSJC, ILS Runway 30L.
Steps I took:
Set ILS frequency in both NAV 1 and NAV 2 (110.90)
Set course on both Captain and First Officer's side.
Decision height set to 0 (CAT III B)
Configuring the HGS. First line: PRT, Second Line: A III ARM. Third Line:elevation set. runway length set. Fourth Line: G/S -3.00
Once I as in the correct heading and altitude for the localizer, I armed VOR/LOC.
After VOR/LOC was engaged, I armed APP.
Once G/P was engaged, I enabled Right CMD. This is where the problem came in. The CMD's would alternate. If I enabled the left one, the right one would turn off and vice versa. I also realized that on the HGS, the first line changed to A III and the second line to IMC. On the PFD it showed SINGLE CH, not LAND 3. There was no Rollout or Flare. Autopilot also disengaged right before touching down. I have tried countless times to do a full autoland, but it always turns out like this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :).

Extra info:
Using Radar Contact as ATC. I had to use altitude intervention and speed intervention to comply with what the ATC was telling me. Not sure if that would affect anything.
Well, from what i see you did almost everything right - you don't need to engage LOC, just APP and the second CMD - APP will catch localizer, then glideslope and THEN the autoland will need quite some time to engage when on the glideslope. (PFD shows single CH first while establishing on the ILS, then switches to LAND 3 lateron)
But it seems this wasn't your problem.

I guess you forgot to have both F/D switches set to on. Autoland needs
- HGS set to PRI(mary) and "AIII arm" (and of course properly configured to G/S angle, runway elevation and length)
- VREF set in the FMC (press INIT when on descent or approach to set)
- both CMD channels active (even possible in flight. Do that somewhat earlier, don't wait for the glideslope)

to activate both CMD channels, you additionally MUST have:
- both course settings to be identically set to runway track (check!)
- both NAVs to be set to same frequency (check!)
- both F/D switches to be on (!!!)

Autobrakes armed is a good idea, same with Autothrust.
(On a sidenote: You also tried to land on a CAT I ILS runway...)

And a good hint also: AFTER landing and braking, disengage autopilot (and autothrust) by all means. Otherwise It will still try to keep you on the runway. Bad suprise when taxiing off after landing with A/P still engaged and established on the localizer, controlling your front gear via the rudder... ;-)

Note: I typed this by heart...
Gerrit Meyer said:
Well, from what i see you did almost everything right - you don't need to engage LOC, just APP and the second CMD - APP will catch localizer, then glideslope and THEN the autoland will need quite some time to engage when on the glideslope. (PFD shows single CH first while establishing on the ILS, then switches to LAND 3 lateron)
But it seems this wasn't your problem.

I guess you forgot to have both F/D switches set to on. Autoland needs
- HGS set to PRI(mary) and "AIII arm" (and of course properly configured to G/S angle, runway elevation and length)
- VREF set in the FMC (press INIT when on descent or approach to set)
- both CMD channels active (even possible in flight. Do that somewhat earlier, don't wait for the glideslope)

to activate both CMD channels, you additionally MUST have:
- both course settings to be identically set to runway track (check!)
- both NAVs to be set to same frequency (check!)
- both F/D switches to be on (!!!)

Autobrakes armed is a good idea, same with Autothrust.
(On a sidenote: You also tried to land on a CAT I ILS runway...)

And a good hint also: AFTER landing and braking, disengage autopilot (and autothrust) by all means. Otherwise It will still try to keep you on the runway. Bad suprise when taxiing off after landing with A/P still engaged and established on the localizer, controlling your front gear via the rudder... ;-)

Note: I typed this by heart...

Thanks for your suggestion. I tried the flight again, this time making sure that both FD's were on. I got the same result/ Both courses are set correctly, autobrakes set to 3, and both NAVs are set to 110.90. Still won't work. I realize it is a CAT I ILS runway, but I wouldnt think that would matter to PMDG. Thanks :).
Hello Nareg

In real life you can only do the full autoland on ILS cat III, and since PMDG is a perfect publisher they've taking care of such details as category of ILS for full autoland I think

Rafal Zielinski said:
Hello Nareg

In real life you can only do the full autoland on ILS cat III, and since PMDG is a perfect publisher they've taking care of such details as category of ILS for full autoland I think


True they are a perfect publisher, but even they couldn't break the limitations of FSX.
Unfortunately FSX doesn't differentiate ILS equipment. You can shoot a CATIII on any ILS equipped runway in the sim. It's a limitation of the sim itself.

Nareg, whats your current option set to in the FMC in regards to the Fail-passive/operational Automatic Landing System?

Mike Sharpe said:
Rafal Zielinski said:
Hello Nareg

In real life you can only do the full autoland on ILS cat III, and since PMDG is a perfect publisher they've taking care of such details as category of ILS for full autoland I think


True they are a perfect publisher, but even they couldn't break the limitations of FSX.
Unfortunately FSX doesn't differentiate ILS equipment. You can shoot a CATIII on any ILS equipped runway in the sim. It's a limitation of the sim itself.

Nareg, whats your current option set to in the FMC in regards to the Fail-passive/operational Automatic Landing System?


Hi Mike,

Here are the options in my FMC.


I will also try to do an autoland on a CAT III runway and see if that makes any difference. Thanks :).
After finishing my short flight from KBUR to KLAX, I realized that PMDG does go according to the ILS instruments. I landed on runway 24R (CAT III) and managed to do a full autoland. Thanks everyone for your help :).
Nareg Haladjian said:
I realized that PMDG does go according to the ILS instruments. I landed on runway 24R (CAT III) and managed to do a full autoland.
Pretty impressive! PMDG, I mean. But it makes sense: they use their own AIRAC set (via Navigraph) where they should find ILS equipment info for all runways. So the information does not depend on the sim.
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