Looking for opinions on different payware aircraft

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Hello fellow simmers,

lately I've been looking to expand my personal fleet of aircraft. The only payware plane I have experience flying (100s of hours though) is the Level-D 767, and I also own the Flight 1 ATR which I am going to start flying any day now, just reading the manual.

Anyways, I have a list of payware addons, which I'm thinking of buying but am unsure of. I'd like to hear some opinions or alternatives from those who have experience flying them :)

1. Airbus X Extended. I'm not a huuuge fan of the smaller Airbuses, but Airbuses seem to be very much under represented in the market and I'd like to find some Airbuses to fly. I've heard different views on this package. Some people say that the functions of the aircraft aren't that realistic, while someone said that they're almost equal to the PMDG models in realism.

2. Wilco E-jets. I love the E-jets.

3. DA Fokkers.

4. DA/Aerosoft CRJ.

In all add-on packages I'm looking for mostly realism of the flight systems only. The Level-D 767 is not the most graphically beautiful aircraft out there but it hasn't bothered me. I don't need all of the ground animations and stuff either. I only want to simulate flight.

What I already have pretty much decided to buy are the PMDG 737, MD-11, 747 and 777 after it's been released. I'm not going to buy all these at once though, it takes time to get inside one plane at a time and it's not like I have infinite money either :p

Anyways, any input on this topic will be greatly appreciated :)
Aleksi Laine said:
Hello fellow simmers,

lately I've been looking to expand my personal fleet of aircraft. The only payware plane I have experience flying (100s of hours though) is the Level-D 767, and I also own the Flight 1 ATR which I am going to start flying any day now, just reading the manual.

Anyways, I have a list of payware addons, which I'm thinking of buying but am unsure of. I'd like to hear some opinions or alternatives from those who have experience flying them :)

1. Airbus X Extended. I'm not a huuuge fan of the smaller Airbuses, but Airbuses seem to be very much under represented in the market and I'd like to find some Airbuses to fly. I've heard different views on this package. Some people say that the functions of the aircraft aren't that realistic, while someone said that they're almost equal to the PMDG models in realism.

2. Wilco E-jets. I love the E-jets.

3. DA Fokkers.

4. DA/Aerosoft CRJ.

In all add-on packages I'm looking for mostly realism of the flight systems only. The Level-D 767 is not the most graphically beautiful aircraft out there but it hasn't bothered me. I don't need all of the ground animations and stuff either. I only want to simulate flight.

What I already have pretty much decided to buy are the PMDG 737, MD-11, 747 and 777 after it's been released. I'm not going to buy all these at once though, it takes time to get inside one plane at a time and it's not like I have infinite money either :p

Anyways, any input on this topic will be greatly appreciated :)

Better wait with airbus. Zeljko told me that there something really good is coming up.
I myself really love the LSH MADDOG 2010 even with textures from 2006 and I am waiting for the Majestic Dash8 Q400.
Cheers Tom
Hi Tom,

okay, I'll keep an eye out for some new airbus, I'm not in a hurry anyway :)

And yes, I've heard from multiple sources that the Maddog is an amazing plane. For some reason I've had some reservations. I think I'm afraid that there would be a lot to learn in flying the MD-80. But in a way I am intrigued by it. I'll think about it. And I'll also add the Dash to my list of aircraft worth thinking about :)

Thank you for your reply
Hi Alexi,

You can't go wrong with the Maddog, this is the best aircraft ever maided for flight sim.
About other planes, NGX and MD11 are awesome, but you should skip 747 for now - it's outdated, and PMDG will make a new version after 777. PMDG JS41 is great too.
Next, i wouldn't buy anything from Wilco, they are not so good and their DLL files can make conflicts with other instaled payware planes which will make yoor fsx to become unstable, you can get FSX crashes and a lot of headaches with Wilco.
E-jets are maybe the best planes published by Wilco, but they are in a very different class then PMDG and Maddog - not so realistic.
DA/Aerosoft CRJ is not realised yet, and nobody know's when/if will be available - Florian from DA is too busy with his real-world job, in the meantime he became a pilot for one of the major European Airlines. About DA Fokker, it is excelent aircraft, but don't have a virtual cockpit.
Like Tom said, the new Majestic Dash8 Q400 looks realy promising, and FSL A320 - this can be very easy the new best addon ever, take a look: and

I found that in the last year i used regularly only Maddog and NGX, sometimes PMDG MD11 for long haul flights and AirSimmer A320 when i want a good airbus(this one is for fs9 only, i still use fs9 sometimes, and AirSimmer did a great job with the last patch)

I hope that you will find usefull my quick review of all addon planes :lol:


Thank you very much Zeljko :)

First, I was aware that PMDG is working on v2 of their 747, but it's good to know that it's best to wait for that. And I've also read positive reviews of the JS41, I'm just not sure if I'm that much into turboprops. Might give it a try someday.

I'm a little disappointed that you think of Wilco that way. I was hoping people would have something positive to say about them because I really want to fly the E-jets :p and the lack of VC might just mean that I'm not buying the Fokker... a shame. But the A320 truly does look very promising, thank you. I just wished there were more airbuses out there. I'd love an A330 or an A340-600. Realistic simulations of the A380 and eventually A350 would be intriguing as well.

Anyways, thank you so much, your quick review was very helpful :yes:

I fully agree with Zeljko about the E-jets being the best Wilco/Feelthere addon. I only have their v.2 (the 175/195 package) and I would place it somewhere in the top 10 of my sim airliners. If you like the E-jets, then I think the addon pack won't disappoint you and there's nothing better on the horizon for this a/c types anyway. I see that it's currently at 50% discount sale: http://www.feelthere.com/22_embraer-e-j ... ng=3s0psWk

Regarding the Airbus, I would also recommend waiting for FS Labs, as judging by their leaks and teasers it will be in a league of its own.
A really nice one, which is availabe for the FS9 and FSX is teh DA Piper Cheyenne... I'm a real fan of these little Props - May you can give it a try....

If you are flying with VC, kepp your hands off from the Fokker - it's a nice one, but without a VC and there is no chance geting one later...

My favours are the 4 Embraer's from the 135 up to the 190 - they are all available for both Sims...

Last XMAS I got the IFLY B737, which is really good as well.



Oliver: I am tempted to try small props and maybe fly some VFR but flying the ATR has showed me that so far I enjoy flying highly automated jets the most. I'm boring that way... And by the Embraers you mean the Feelthere Embraers?

Svilen: I understand that the v2 is maybe a little more advanced than the 170/190 package? Still I would like to have the 190 to have the exact model of Air-Child and be able to use the repaint and fuel calculations. Would you say that it would be a bad choice to buy the v1 instead of the (cheaper) v2?

Hi Aleksi!

I'm flying the PMGD737NGX, MD11 and 747_400. Also the Airbus X Extended since release. My most favorite are the 737NGX and the MD11. I think, these are the most realistic planes you can get. And very important: there are no bugs. I used the Airbus X over 150 hours and tested it in many situations, but every second flight i find anything is going wrong. Maybe, in 2014 this will become a plane without bugs.

With best regards

PS: When i wrote this, i was flying from EDDL toi LFPG with Airbus X, and i can't see the TOD on the ND :(
Hello Reinhard,

yeah I will be buying the PMDGs at some point :) I'm not a huge fan of the 737 though, but it's a must have anyway. I don't like almost any mid-sized airliner much. I love the MD-11 though.

And good to know about he Airbus X :p now I will definitely wait for the FS Labs A320 :lol:

The TOD-problem happened to me too on the Flight1 ATR. On that flight the descent was slightly steeper than usual :lol:

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