fps gradually decreasing during a session

Users Local time
Tomorrow 1:11 AM

creating another thread for a problem that might make me stop flying soon if not fixed.

Recently, I've experienced slow decrease in fps within each session in fsx. I start a session and it works ok, with a constant framerate limited to 25 fps. Then, after taking off and climbing to cruise altitude it becomes clear that the framerate has decreased, and keeps on decreasing. It is the lowest during landing. I don't know how low, but below 10.

This is a very recent problem, about 5 flights old. Everything's always fine again when I restart fsx, but within half an hour the fps is decreasing again. Really making it difficult to land manually with such a huge lag.

All that I've recently installed are FSInn and FSCopilot and XAcars but I haven't used them, except copilot for pushbacks. About ten flights before the problem begun I installed Radar Contact, REX and MyTraffic 2013, although I turned off all the traffic when this problem appeared, as well as turned down other settings. I also use the external FPS limiter and have had fsx.cfg tweaked with Bojote's tweaking tool. I would not like to do a full re-install, but if no one comes up with anything I might have to try :( My first flight with Air-child is due by next week's friday...
Don't worry Aleksi, we can keep you on hold for a while if you can't manage to fly next week ;)
At the moment we are VERY forgiving with the 15 days rule ....

As for the rest of your post, I'll leave that to more experienced FSX users. It would help, however, if you could give some details of your system, especially CPU, RAM, graphic card etc.
Like Peter said, it would be fine to give us some details about your system - CPU(if overlocked or not), GPU, amount of memory, operating system etc

My advice is too delete fsx.cfg and set your FSX exactly like in this guide:

You can forget about Bojote, Nick, etc. They did excelent job in the past, but this is the ultimate FSX guide, for modern hardware and different , very practical approach.
After this tweaks, fsx will be smooth like never before Try it, you can backup your current fsx.cfg before this, so you can revert to old settings if you don't like something. But this is something very unlikely to happen


Thanks for your replies =)

Zeljko, it seems that after a little playing around with them, the tweaks did the job! :D

I'm not sure yet, currently on my test flight to Amsterdam but I've been en route for 45 minutes and the fps seem to be at 30 still ^^

I suppose this wasn't a hardware problem, my CPUs and GPU are showing higher performance now than before the tweaks.

Thank you so much again :rofl: The ATR is actually really beautiful in flight when it isn't lagging :p

I hope I'm not celebrating too early, but it sure looks promising ;)
Yup, made it through to EHAM :rofl:
A little drop in fps on approach but that was probably due to the HUGE amount of autogen items, largest amount I've ever seen on my computer screen and still the fps was probably around 15 8)

This is great thank you I'll be flying my first flight within these two days :)
Yes zeljko is the hero of ACH concerning performence with old and bad programmed software like FSX. Together we pushed our CPUs to a limit I never thought about but even with 4.9GHZ FSX is not a hero - it works fine most of time never below 30fps. But of course Amsterdam is a fps killer - Areosoft sceneries are fps eaters compare it with FLYTAMPA you will see a huge different. You cannot imagine how this computer is running with modern software. I wished I could use this machine for my profeesional life. it is much stronger then the MACs I use in my studio. FSX makes the difference.
Cheers Tom
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