Multiplayer sessions

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I've found a program called FShost at Apparently all versions of the flt sim , including prepare3d can join the same session. It's an option for those that don't use Vatsim or IVAO . You could see your fellow ACH pilots on the Tarmac for group flts. Would anyone be interested in this kind of thing? Would it be allowed?
Your right,totally forgot about x-plane. Does x-plane have multiplayer,and do you know of a program that can do all? My motive is to attract more members to the group flts. While vatsim and IVAO are excellent, some aren't ready for it yet, some like me are hearing impaired and avoid it when theres an event, and any numerous reasons people may have for not using the net work. Just thought it might be an option . :)
Multiplayer online for all ACH-pilots with the more advanced software (64 bit) is NOT possible at this moment.

VATSIM and IVAO have no plugin for X-Plane 10.20 (64 bit).
XSquawkbox and X-IvAp work only for 32 bit. and NetFlight are only for X-Plane.
X-FlightServer uses X-IvAp (only 32 bit).
NetFlight is the only one with support for 64 bit (only X-Plane and no live ATC, just group flights).

Actually, we need an independent programmer who can build new software (for Windows, MacOS X and Linux, for Microsoft Flight Simulators and X-Plane, for 32 and 64 bit sims). Anyone?
The developer of such a software pack will become a hero of all sim-pilots and -traffic controllers.


EDIT: Right now X-Plane ACH-pilots can fly online (all networks) using "X-Plane-32bit", but be careful with memory issues, specially big sceneries (for example EHAM).
Actually, we need an independent programmer who can build new software (for Windows, MacOS X and Linux, for Microsoft Flight Simulators and X-Plane, for 32 and 64 bit sims). Anyone?
The developer of such a software pack will become a hero of all sim-pilots and -traffic controllers.
The difficulty in this is the word independent; most of these plugins and/or the libraries they use are owned by someone.

I had a look into various multiplayer plugins with the intention to experiment with them or alter them. X-IvAp is sort of open-source and can be found on but all the other versions(Windows) aren't.

FSUIPC is used for many connection related things in MSFS but . It's also restricted in use; you can experiment with it on your own pc all you like but distributing it is a bit complicated. I believe Peter Dowson gives out keys for open-source projects but then it still doesn't create multiplayer AI.

For FS2004 the SDK is free and available but a very hard nut to crack, the FSX SDK is easier but only included in the more expensive version(which I don't have). And you would need something that works on both to have an universal client.

I don't think making an universal, reasonably open multiplayer client would be an easy project. You would really need a dedicated group of developers.
I've found a program called FShost at
It's only for Microsoft software. :(
Yes and also a bit flawed; if you come close to another plane it moves all over the place. I guess this is caused by UDP; it drops information now and then.
Looks like you have experience with the programs. Isn't it still an option to be able to host or join a session somehow? Can you still have a fellow ACH pilot direct link to your computer if they have your IP address?
David Higdon said:
Looks like you have experience with the programs. Isn't it still an option to be able to host or join a session somehow? Can you still have a fellow ACH pilot direct link to your computer if they have your IP address?

No not over different sims. Only a network will help.
About xplane in the moment only XP32 is capable for online multiplayer (Vatsim / Ivao) sessions. We have to wait for 64bit SB plugin. So in the moment it is up to the pilot to use XP32 for multiplayer on a network.
In general we should use a multiplayer platform for all sims FS9 - FSX - XP and here Vatsim will be the first choice - cause it is very well working. I know Vatsim means we must follow special procedures with special regulations - there is a specail vocabulary with special phrases but it is qute easy to learn - the first time on Vatsim will be the hardest - but and now comes the fun part - it is fun if you have to follow ATC if you have traffic with "real virtual pilots" either as a VFR or IFR pilot. Let us think how we can teach newcomers to be ready for a Vatsim flight.
The German Vacc provides a newbie training every wednesday with VFR at EDDG Münster Airport. Voice in Germany VFR is German.
I really suggest for newcomers to start here. From here you can do several courses (not necessary only if you are interested) from VFR to IFR to special procedures like landing LOWI.
This courses are quite cool - I myself did 2 of them.
And read the ACH online manual
I bet other Vatsim Organizations have a similar training program, for this look in your Vatsim organization. Do not be afraid of VATSIM - even some controllers are quite serious - it is still a game - a hobby - you only must be aware of it.

I do not see another possibility to fly on the same multiplayer network with all 3 sims without Vatsim. So take your chance and make the controllers sweating by a large number of online ACH pilots.
Cheers Tom
David Higdon said:
Looks like you have experience with the programs. Isn't it still an option to be able to host or join a session somehow? Can you still have a fellow ACH pilot direct link to your computer if they have your IP address?
That's already built into FS2004 and FSX. Some people use FSHost to find a session to connect to. But, like Ricardo said, it's very limited.

For instance:
- You need to use the same program, although FSX and FS2004 can connect via FSHostclient.
- limited number of players, clients like Ivap trick FS by only injecting nearby traffic.
- shaky, jumpy planes all over the place, except on the ground but then planes sometimes sink into the ground(difference in altitude airport add-on). It even happens in my own LAN network at home.
- random replacements; in FSX you can run into a fellow pilot(s) using your bulky PMDG/Captain Sim plane and your sim crashes. Ivap and FSInn both have plane replacement functions.

and so on.

It's not as simple as say, a Quake3 multiplayer session. Flightsim is much more complicated; all these liveries, various programs and of course...a much bigger... well world, actually. :)

@Tom Weber: Apart from technical problems I found that there are limited options for virtual pilots who (sometimes) want a more "relaxed" multiplayer experience. I found . It's fun but limited to FSX. I think there were more of those game-like networks when MSFS was quite young. MSFS's survival and hence, the more serious network's is largely due to it's subject; flight in general. Nothing wrong with that of course. But if it was just another shooter or racing game it's multiplayer would have died long ago.

I sometimes think VATSIM/IVAO should have a special connection or place to fly with a more "relaxed" atmosphere or a way to exclusively connect as a group. You know, where you could just fly a little "rough" without offending other pilots or ATC. But I know this would never happen due to the complicated structure of these organisations.
Barthe Hogenboom said:
David Higdon said:
Looks like you have experience with the programs. Isn't it still an option to be able to host or join a session somehow? Can you still have a fellow ACH pilot direct link to your computer if they have your IP address?
That's already built into FS2004 and FSX. Some people use FSHost to find a session to connect to. But, like Ricardo said, it's very limited.

For instance:
- You need to use the same program, although FSX and FS2004 can connect via FSHostclient.
- limited number of players, clients like Ivap trick FS by only injecting nearby traffic.
- shaky, jumpy planes all over the place, except on the ground but then planes sometimes sink into the ground(difference in altitude airport add-on). It even happens in my own LAN network at home.
- random replacements; in FSX you can run into a fellow pilot(s) using your bulky PMDG/Captain Sim plane and your sim crashes. Ivap and FSInn both have plane replacement functions.

and so on.

It's not as simple as say, a Quake3 multiplayer session. Flightsim is much more complicated; all these liveries, various programs and of course...a much bigger... well world, actually. :)

@Tom Weber: Apart from technical problems I found that there are limited options for virtual pilots who (sometimes) want a more "relaxed" multiplayer experience. I found . It's fun but limited to FSX. I think there were more of those game-like networks when MSFS was quite young. MSFS's survival and hence, the more serious network's is largely due to it's subject; flight in general. Nothing wrong with that of course. But if it was just another shooter or racing game it's multiplayer would have died long ago.

I sometimes think VATSIM/IVAO should have a special connection or place to fly with a more "relaxed" atmosphere or a way to exclusively connect as a group. You know, where you could just fly a little "rough" without offending other pilots or ATC. But I know this would never happen due to the complicated structure of these organisations.

This discussion does not help if it is not a multiplayer for all sim platforms which can be used with Air-Child.
Cheers Tom
David Higdon said:
My motive is to attract more members to the group flts. While vatsim and IVAO are excellent, some aren't ready for it yet, some like me are hearing impaired and avoid it when theres an event, and any numerous reasons people may have for not using the net work. Just thought it might be an option . :)

David, don't be afraid to fly on vatsim. It's easier than you think and makes more fun than you might imagine. We have a very nice Online Flight Tutorial - LOWS-EPWA, written by Rafal Bardel, which you will find in our documents section. After you have read it, it will be my plesure to assist you. We can do a flight together. I will fly infront of you, so you will hear all the controller info a little bit earlier. Just take the aircraft which you are most comfortable, and a well known destination and origin of your choice.

Lets fly online David :fly:

Best Regards
Very nice idea Norbert, indeed. David take the chance it is really not so difficult but it is fun!
Cheers Tom
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