Virtual FMC for tablet computer

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Today 11:53 PM
sometimes someone builds a nice application for MSFS - this one I like very much. It brings the FMC of the B737 to your tablet computer ANDROID and IOS IPAD. Not more the 17€ and you have the FMC under your finger tips. It works nice and easy!
Cheers Tom
Hi Tom...

The virtual FMC from VirtualAvionics is quite a nice thing but the Problem is, it is limited to the
B737. For other Planes it is not useable.
I just found another one for the IPAD... It's called Tablet FMC and it's more flexible because it
works with much more Planes like B737 & 747, Airbus, MD11, ATR72, F100...
It can be found at the Apple App-Store or here...

It also cost only EUR 17,99...

Greets Ramon
Ramon Mers said:
Hi Tom...

The virtual FMC from VirtualAvionics is quite a nice thing but the Problem is, it is limited to the
B737. For other Planes it is not useable.
I just found another one for the IPAD... It's called Tablet FMC and it's more flexible because it
works with much more Planes like B737 & 747, Airbus, MD11, ATR72, F100...
It can be found at the Apple App-Store or here...

It also cost only EUR 17,99...

Greets Ramon

But the TABLET FMC you can only use in FSX windowed mode - so if you like to go fullscreen, you cannot use it. So my decision for the Virtual FMC was easy even it is momentary limited to the 737.
The TABLET FMC is more or less a third screen like AIR DISPLAY etc.
Cheers Tom
Ramon Mers said:
I just found another one for the IPAD... It's called Tablet FMC and it's more flexible because it
works with much more Planes like B737 & 747, Airbus, MD11, ATR72, F100...
It can be found at the Apple App-Store or here...

It also cost only EUR 17,99...

Greets Ramon


Does it going to work only with IPad or I can use it with an Android Smartphone?

Rafal Zielinski said:

Does it going to work only with IPad or I can use it with an Android Smartphone?


At the moment it's only working on IPhone/IPad....

Tom Weber said:
But the TABLET FMC you can only use in FSX windowed mode - so if you like to go fullscreen, you cannot use it. So my decision for the Virtual FMC was easy even it is momentary limited to the 737.
The TABLET FMC is more or less a third screen like AIR DISPLAY etc.
Cheers Tom

Yes i realised it when i started it the first time... But thats no problem for me because on first hand
i use it for the input of data because its a little bit easier to type in on the pad then doing it with
the mouse. I also planning to put back on a second monitor so then i can move the FMC to that and
have the Main free of it.
The other FMC is at the moment quite no choise for me because i prefer to fly MD11, Airbus, F100
and ATR72. Maybe when they expand the FMC to other planes it could be the better choice.


BTW, there is another very pratical (but more expensive) way for touch input. I bought a touchscreen for windows touch since win7. You find them from round 200€ up. I mirrored the screen from my main screen, it is a 46" Samsung Screen, to the touch screen monitor. With OPUS or EZDOC I made special views which I can access via keystroke. I made views for all imortant instruments like FMC, the OVHD panel etc. Now I can just use the smaller touch screen, which stands on my side, using those instruments. Of course you need a bit space and you have to buy one. But you are compatible with almost every plane - but the new Majestic Dash8 has some problems with touch screen.
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