Flight Critique

Users Local time
Today 10:43 PM
Ladies and gentlemen,

I have just done my first flight using FSFK.
Here is the report:

My flight was not a smooth one due to an FS crash during the initial descent. The crash occurred when I changed radio frequencies on comm1 (FS9, PMDG 737NG). As you can see my pilot rating on the flight critique suffered for this.

When the crash occurred I paused FSFK. My thoughts were to un-pause once I restarted and began again from an autosave. I see by my flight report that FSFK recorded the restart by showing my aircraft moving to KSEA and then back to the position of my last autosave before the crash. It also recorded a stall as I restarted the flight with the PMDG 737NG and was busy restoring systems and setting the aircraft up to resume the flight. Again, my intention was to un-pause once all of this was done so it would not be recorded. Obviously I did not do this correctly.

I will spend some time with the FSFK manual, but if anyone has any advice to offer it would be welcome. It hurts my ego to see myself rated as "bad." :x


Edit: I see the reported miles in my pirep is way off due to this restart as well.
My advice, cause Flightsim is fun - delete the flight and fly again - have a second chance.
Cheers Tom
Thank you Tom. This is good advice and exactly what I will do. I wasn't sure if deleting the flight report would reset the aircraft but I see it does. Very nice!

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