Aircraft rotates 'wild' during slew mode

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Today 11:15 PM

everytime, when I try to set my Aircraft in the right position (Slew Mode), the aircraft rotates. When I deactivate my joystick, the rotation stops.

Any idea how to fix it?

By the way - I'm using FS2004
Hm, my first thought is that the joystick is not (completely)calibrated. The problem is that analog joystick inputs often keep stuttering a bit because of environment changes(heat).
That's what I thought first time too. But I have changed the DEADZONE of the Z-Axis a bit - it does not help.

I will try to ask the SAITEK Support...

I used to have the same problem with my Saitek pedals. I found that moving the pedals full deflection in both directions after entering slew mode stopped the rotation. I've since removed the joystick control for slewing from my control assignments.
Oliver my acft has been screwy lately also. I found out that all users of fsuipc with versions prior to 5 may 2013 will have to replace the file as they will cease to function. Might be worth it to check out the fsuipc official web page and dowsons support forum . I think you will need version 3.999z2. Not sure if it will fix problem tho. I just loaded version 4.90 for FSX but haven't tested it yet.
Hi David,

thx for help. Meanwhile I have an answer from the MADCATZ Support Team.

They asked me to Press CTRL+SHFT and reassign the Joystick within the simulator...

I have tried it yesterday, and it worked perfectly - I hope it will be fixed today too (I juist tried it yesterday for short time)...

I will report you, later :)
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