some site updates

Peter Schindler

Users Local time
Today 3:33 AM
We recently made some smaller updates/additions to the VA website which I want to inform you about:

- in your pilot profile you are now able to change the values for FS-Version (for those who change
from FS9 to FSX or from X-Plane 8 to 9), and you can also change your VA hub.
Remember that the choice of hub has no major effect for you as a pilot. It just gives you sort of a
"home" ;)

- the FS version you have selected during registration or in your pilot profile is now displayed in
the forum beneath your name. We made this so that any sim-related questions can be answered in respect to the member's flightsim version, without having to ask them first. Thanks to Andrew for finding out how to add these custom values.

- on the live map we have added a button for "terrain" maps. Not that it would make an Innsbruck
approach any easier, but the map colors are brighter here and there are cities and roads displayed.
Just in case someone gets lost ;)
Unfortunately I wasn't able yet to store settings from the google map individually, so if you chose
terrain or map view and the page refreshes itself, it throws you back to satellite view. Google maps API is a bit complicated but I will try to store such values (also the zoom level) in a temp cookie some day so that refreshing the map doesn't reset everything.

- thanks to a hint from Tobias we fixed a bug in the charter booking where Senior Captains weren't able anymore to access the page due to a database error. Should be ok now.
Peter can you add also charter flights in "NOW BOARDING" column ? (whether it is possible)
Nothing particularly important, it would be just interesting. ;)

...share with you a good joke:

Santa's calls for periodic testing to extend his pilot's license (as he's flying in civilian airspace).
First, thoroughly tested his health, among others eyesight and reactions. Then began practical part, common procedures and so on. Also examined the vehicle, the state of reindeer, etc.. Finaly was the time to test the skills. Santa, together with the instructor sat in the sleigh. Santa began to do the checklist and the instructor pulled a gun from his bag.
- What is the rifle for ? - asked Santa surprised.
The instructor replied:
- Don't care about it, after V1 you will lose one of the engines.
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