Spain holiday groupflight friday 31st of July

Users Local time
Today 5:23 AM


As the summer holiday season peaks, loads of sunseekers need to be taken to their summer holiday destination at the Costa Brava and Costa Dorada in sunny Spain. All available seats will be needed to transport everyone.

So join us for a flight from Cologne-Bonn to Barcelona, at the 31st of July.
Gate departure time: 1800z (20:00 local)
The groupflight will be flown online on the Vatsim network.

Please use the following route proposed by :


Charts can be found and

Let's park at terminal 2
See you all at Cologne-Bonn airport on friday 8)
If you think you are going to fly, please respond to this topic so we have an idea about how many pilots we will have. This helps with requesting atc.

Looks like everyone is off for holidays .... probably all in Spain :)
Nevermind, I think I'll be there this time. Hope to see a few more.
Hi all !

Unfortunately, I will can't be with you tonight. :'(
In fact, my Wife has reserved a table in my favourite Indian restaurant for my birthday today at 20:00. :oops:
She just told me that surprise this morning.

Really sorry, I will be there for the next event. :(

Pierre ;)
Well, if you ask me, this is the right way to celebrate a birthday. Your wife is a wise person :)

All the best to you, Pierre!

Pierre Chassang said:
Unfortunately, I will can't be with you tonight. :'(
In fact, my Wife has reserved a table in my favourite Indian restaurant for my birthday today at 20:00. :oops:
She just told me that surprise this morning.

That's a pity, but more important things come first. Better luck next time.

I think we will go for the paella when we arrive :yes:

I well know eastern spain coast.
I've spent holidays from 1993 to 1999 in Alicante (near Benidorm).
Drink a fresh SANGRIA for me. :p

Pierre ;)
Happy Birthday Pierre.

I also can't make it. We have tickets for an open-air Jazz concert and the weather looks very fine for the evening.

Have fun in Barcelona!

@Robert-Jan: Please have a look at Peter. We need him :rofl:
Norbert Woeller said:
Happy Birthday Pierre.

I also can't make it. We have tickets for an open-air Jazz concert and the weather looks very fine for the evening.

Enjoy the concert! But take a sangria afterwards to catch a little bit of the groupflight spirit :p

@Robert-Jan: Please have a look at Peter. We need him :rofl:

No worries I will. I think he hasn't noticed the remote control device I attached to his airplane to take over in case things go upside down :rofl:
Robert-Jan Oosterloo said:
he hasn't noticed the remote control device I attached to his airplane
Oh - that! I already wondered what that little thing was, lying on the runway after my last landing. :think:
Well, I'm sure it can be repaired.

It's a real pleasure to grow old with you all.

Pierre ;)
Daniel Novotny said:

I can´t await doing the flight. Just a questions: Shall Pilot IDs be used as callsign ?

Good question. Maybe it's best to use the number you get assigned from the charter you can book.
All fliers welcome to see the gallery on the forum.
Photos from Barcelona are already there 8)

Daniel, you left early not giving us time to get you pictured :(

By the way, it was a special flight for me. After I had reported it to the ACH VA website, I got ranked a captain. :champ:

Best regards,
Congratulations, Captain! :clap:
A well deserved rank. In 3 months you made almost twice as much flights as I did in 2 years :eek:
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