AirChild statistics.

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Today 2:15 AM
I for one, love statistics, especially with nice pretty charts :D

So its time to give Peter lots more work to do by updating the statistics page.

If anyone has thoughts of what stats they would like to see, please post below.

The following are taken from a post from the Beta forum...

  • Total flights per month, then this total broken down into the flights by each plane type (be it model or even just manufacture - will boeing beat airbus?
  • Most visited airport each month (maybe excluding the hubs as these are obviously going to be way out in the lead)
  • most visited airport each month (maybe excluding the hubs as these are obviously going to be way out in the lead)
  • Pilot with the most flights / miles / hours or passengers - maybe top 5 pilots.
  • Sponsorship money raised per month for UNICEF
  • Pilot with the most flights / miles / hours or passengers - maybe top 5 pilots.
  • Type of aircraft are flown monthly
  • Hours eligible for sponsors
  • Best VS landing
  • Shortest flights (hours)
  • Shortest flights (distance)
  • Long Haul flights (hours)
  • Long Haul flights (distance)
  • Most popular aircraft usage
  • Most popular Origin airports
  • Most popular destinations
  • amount of current pilots
  • Dividing pilots by ranks (e.g. 2 Senior Captains, 48 Students...)


Well, after all, that's no problem. I think I'll have everything ready and online by tomorrow......

Already started with a section you forgot: Here's the complete and detailed statistics on all ACH helicopter flights:

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