FSINN question

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Today 10:40 PM
When I fly in group flts some acft show up as Cessna 172,Lear jet, paper airplane etc... How do you get the other acft to show what their really flying? How can they see my ACH livery instead of the stock VIP? I know it's something simple in fsinn settings. Not sure what to click on :think:

I don't think it's anything very simple...

In FSInn control panel there's the "Advanced" button. When you click that you get three buttons and one of them is labeled something related to planes I think.... can't remember exactly and don't have FSX running at the moment :p but there you can somehow set the planes that are currently around you to display as you wish, and such planes will in the future be like that. I think that's how it works, I've used it once or twice months ago so I can't really remember. But play around with that? =D and everyone can of course only see what is installed on their machine, and no one has a low res Air-Child model installed so others can't really see your Air-Child livery :/
other way is to check what you have set for prefarable liveries to be display. as example if I have set prefarable livery for medium jet planes to be display as B738 airchild livery then when on line all b738 planes should be display as such . Make sure you don't have in jet liveries to display Cesnna . One think thought is when you using fsinn for vatsim, and your friend is on SB4 ,perhaps that could be a trouble . Petr
A comment on Petr's post:

Yes, you can set others to display by default as e.g. ACH B738, but as you'd probably only have the Air-Child livery for the NGX or iFly, it might not be very good for your framerates to have 20 NGXs flying around in a busy airspace. I've no experience of this but that's what I'd expect :p

Aaand something I should have linked before but forgot:

You may have seen this already, but anyway this is what helped me. I followed these steps and thus what I've done is I've installed a bunch of WOAI-models and used the app that is called the "enabler" in the linked post. Then I also put the file that is described in step 2 to my high res model folders. Just read the instructions it's all there :)

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