FTX Global

Users Local time
Tomorrow 12:39 AM

Just wanted to tell you all that FTX Global is released :)

Europe looks beautiful now!

The screen shots certainly do look good, however I feel my pc would run at about 2fps :lol:

Yeah, definitely looks amazing, but I just downloaded the FTX Tasmania Demo, and even that drops my fps from the near-solid 30 to maybe 20, didn't measure. I wonder what it would be like to fly to Amsterdam with FTX Global and Aerosoft's Schiphol, when Schiphol already makes my fps go down to about 10 :p it's a shame though, even the price wouldn't stop me if only I had the machine

Hmm, I'd like to believe that it wouldn't affect mine either (I've got a laptop with an i7) but that's actually where the price comes in. I'd like to have a demo version of the FTXG before paying the 70 euros for a product I'm not sure would be used... Though otherwise the price isn't too bad for a product like this.
Damn, I knew this would happen, I cracked and bought it. I'll never learn the value of money.

Though after trying it out... No regrets! Amazing. The world is definitely a more beautiful place now, and what's most amazing, it's at least equally smooth. Flying in New York it was actually smoother than before after setting the sliders to what was recommended in the manual. And way more beautiful. Yeah, after using it for 10 minutes, I'd recommend it to anyone who has a computer capable of running FSX ;)
From what i heard so far, there is a actually a FPS gain with FTX Global... Really amazing product, i'm buying it next week, need to wait a couple of days :(

Anyway, FTX Global is 69.40eur. Just to compare, to cover allmost whole world with GEX would be arround 200eur... And for me FTX is much better!
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