FSPax 2004 issue?

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Tomorrow 12:34 AM
I recently completed a flight from LGAV to LGKP (ACH3006 in my reports lists) and while I set flaps correctly on takeoff and landing FSPax said I did not.

I know Pax has know way of knowing exactly the flaps setting so for that parameter it just checks if you have any flaps down T/O and landing, so I don't know what's up.

Has anyone else had this prob? Is it transitory? I've had glitches before but not this one. I'm doing another flight now I hope it doesn't happen again.
FSP actually does the check at around 200-300ft from the ground, so if you take off and instantly retract flaps, it will give a penalty.

However, I can't imagine you retracted flaps too early, and then also didn't deploy the flaps until you were under 200ft from touch down.

I've had a pen before for what I assume retracting too early, but never for both take off and landing. Strange one.
Just completed another flight and the flap problem seems to have been solved. Unfortunately I was so preoccupied with that I failed to engage my landing lights at the correct time and then accidentally declared a false emergency.


Oh well, that's a great return the skies after a hiatus. I've already cost the airline over £2,700.

At least I'm not getting unfairly penalised anymore. Maybe it's just an issue with Milton Shupe's Dash-7, although I've never had a glitch with it before.
Just a quick update. I think the Dash may have an issue. Has anyone else noticed one?

Just had another perfect flight and had a flap error, but this time it was ONLY on take-off, and the flaps were down. They were full down for landing so I'll try having them fully extended on take-off and see if that improves things.

I don't personally have the dash 7, but just looked through the prieps, and you are not the only one with a flap problem. It seems random though, as some reports are penalty free, while others have the flap problem (seems to be mostly on take off flaps also)
Hi, pilots,

I've experienced many funny penalties by FSPax in 2004, for things never done - e.g. notorious penalty for reverse thrust - FSPax did not recognise my reverser at a throttle quadrant or the aircraft crashed after collisions with "air" at some sceneries. As a result, my FSPax pilot ranking was not something you'd be proud of :oops:

Therefore if your issue becomes irritant and you're sure you're doing things right and you cannot dactivate a penalty in the FS setup menu, there's and option to disable the penalising - for some functions this can be done only in FS cfg file, in the FS directory or one of subdirectiories (I'm using a com that has no FSpax installed writing this).

You need to edit this file with a notepad, find a penaly and disable it using "1" value, instead of "0".
The report sent to VA from your flight will not show your "little fraud". 8)

The choice is yours - I'm using this settings only for things I'm sure I do the right way and FSPax sees wrong :wall:

Regards to all,
Whoa, that's an awesome get around. I might need further help to get it work though. I've routinely edited the FScfg file but I didn't though that had anything to do with Pax. Do you mean the FSPax cfg file?

I'd like to try this but it'd be great if you could type a little guide thing. Or is there one on the internetz?

Thanks mate :rofl:


Yeah, it is the FSPax cfg file. This shows you how to get helos working in Pax but it also gives you the run down on how to change the command lines and what to look for.

Shazzam!! :lol: Not that ALL my flights will be perfect from now on ¬_¬
Hi again,

In my previus post I meant the FS pax config file, not FS9.cfg - excude my fast writing incompetence.

now I'm back at my comp and here it goes:
go to: your .....FS2004\FS Passengers\config\ directory.
Edit the more_option.cfg file and replace '0' value with '1' whenever you wish to disable a penalty.
Save and start collecting FS Pax points :champ:

I did also have issues before with FsPax... scenery related building crash... where i was taxing after landing in LFPG... BUILDING CRASH! in a empty taxiway... :think:

the solution, I turn disable crash and collision detection.. well that's because there are also dumb AI traffic..
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