Joystick problem

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Today 12:12 AM
I have one of the first Microsoft sidewinder pro force feedback joysticks. It's old but still my favorite controller. Not too long ago I registered the fsuipc. After reading I found that fsuipc doesn't support force feedback. My problem is this: during long flts the controller disables itself somehow. When you look at settings in FSX when this happens it doesn't even show the joystick. Just the mouse! Has this happened to anyone else? The only way I've been able to fix is to restart and hope for the best. Get frustrating after you've flown 8 hrs :x
Maybe a stupid question, but un- and replugging the stick during flight doesn't help? Or is it pre-USB?

My stick sometimes doesn't work, often this is caused by plugging in something that's also USB. The replugging cures this. But this is directly after starting a flight.

I think in your case it could have something to do with energy saving options. Does some Windows setting put your internal USB-hub to sleep? Does it also happen on other USB plugs? USB connections on the motherboard often use different internal hubs.

If it's a really long flight I would try to land with the autopilot. If you have a cheap extra stick or pad you could use it for backup.
Thanks for the reply Barthe. I unplugged and plugged it back in when it happened. It didn't flop around anymore but didn't input anything either. When I looked in the FSX setting during flt it wasn't recognized. It was t there. Never had this problem til recently. What's changed in computer when I first noticed problem is this: registered FSUIPC, downloaded simplates, redownloaded PMDG 747, and recent windows updates. I use windows 8. I think you might have something when you mentioned power saving. Not sure where to check tho. Going to have to do some reading. Something might have changed with updates. You may have pointed in right direction. As far as another joy stick... Bubble gum and baling wire mate ;)
Thanks again
Hi David,

Is the Joystick being recognised in windows under controllers?

I dont use windows 8 but your controller should show in device manager or "controllers"
Check all the axis and buttons are working ok before launching FSX.

Does sound like it may be losing power on those long flights like Barthe suggested especially if the joystick isnt used for long periods with no movements/inputs.
I do remember accidently de-activating my joystick on one flight by pressing the shortcut key assigned to activate/deactivate joystick inside FSX.
Long shot but may be the same case for you.

Thanks Mike, never new about that shortcut key deactivating joystick. It is a possibility. Have a tendency to lay charts on keyboard ...
Hi David !
I had the same problem on win8 and got it working with disabling USB Selective Suspend.


Hope it helps,fly safe !


Same problem last flight,no joystick control after landing,but when i switched fsx from window mode to fullscreen via alt/enter the joystick worked magically again !
Re: Joystick problem update

After returning problems with disconnecting joystick during flight i searched if this problem is common and found the thread on avsim with several solutions " ... ad-problem ".
I tried some of them but the problem occured mostly with the airbus extended at random points in flight.
Sometimes switching to fullscreen forth and back helped but during landing it caused more troubles than helped.
Finally i tried the method to keep my usb gamecontroller settings open during the flight and no more disconnects after testing several flights.
This works on win8 64bit with the speedlink sl 6640 usb joystick.
Hopefully this helps someone too as it is a simple solution.
Thanks Werner, I just upgraded to 8.1 and my stick has been acting up again. Usually it gets the power light when I boot up. Now it only comes on when I start FSX. It hasn't disconnected yet in flight since upgrade. But if it does I'll try what you did. 8)
Blue sky
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