It is really a nice plane. It is big, especially on the ground. You need the "heavy"-gates and lots of space when taxing. The FMC is a little bit different but not to much compared with the 737. It (almost) always set the ILS frequency automatically. You set all the NAV freq. in the FMC.
It has few minor bugs. One is overspeed sensibility during initial climb (goes above the 250 kn limit up to 10000). It can be reduced by setting a speed limit to 230 kn, up to FL80 . This is noticeable when taking off with a lightly loaded plane.
An other one that has been reported has something to with starting the APU. Not quite sure how to reproduce it, but it may happen at turnaround if ground power is connected. It is always possible to start the engines with the ground starter.
But it fly like a king and the details and the level of realism are very good.
I still like the 737NGX when flying shorter distances and smaller fields.