FS Keeper and altimeter settings

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Tomorrow 12:11 AM
Fellow pilots,

I'm seeking advice. I am a new user of FS Keeper (3.01) and I get notoriously punished for wrong transponder settings, no matter if i set in manually or use the STD button on the pressure knob (PMDG 737, 738). I tried to set it just before reaching TA, crossing it, slight above, and, during descent on crossing TL, before, and after, used the altimeter bug feature or not, and I always get penalty score. :x

I fly on VATSIM, use Active Sky weather configured to download weather from VATSIM servers, and FS Keeper is also configured for Active Sky weather, as well as Sqwbox, no FSUPIC wether.

Any ideas or similar experience? :idea:

I'd be greateful for some hints.

Best regards,
Re: FS Keeper and transponder settings

hey Rafal,

That might clear something up...

Transponder -> Squawk (4 digit code) given to you by ATC for identification purposes.
  • I usually set my transponder to 2000 when no ATC is around... FS standard code would be 1200 I think. Different modes are available. OFF, STBY, ON, ON (ALT), TA only, RA/TA in most payware aircraft...

Altimeter -> Pressure Setting, when passing transition altitude (up) or transition level (down) you have to change it there.
  • Standard pressure is 29.92 inHg / 1013 hPa above TA and TL, below local airport pressure given to you by ATIS or METAR

I never fly using altimeter control by FSKeeper, you can disable it in the config files...

Re: FS Keeper and alimeter settings

What a fool of me! :oops:
Of course I meant altimeter, not squawk ... I've done quite a few flights on-line, wouldn't have been able to do so without knowing how to set transponder... :oops:
Just a slip of the tongue in writing ... Subject changed accordingly.
I tried to disable this feature in FSK but it keeps asking me for a numerical value, anyway I'll keep trying.

Many thanks, Tobias,
You can edit the settings using the FlightCritique.cfg. You'll find that file under your windows profile -> Documents -> FS Flight Keeper.

Scrolling down to [Altimeter] you can set the various values including tolerance.

Hi all,

I think I have the answer to your problem, because I was already confronted with.

Don't modify the critique file.

On FS Flight Keeper, The pressure kept in account is the one you set on altimeter (Captain one), not the STD flag displayed.

To avoid the critique, Set altimeter to 29.92 THEN push the knob to STD.

Pierre ;)
Pierre Chassang said:
To avoid the critique, Set altimeter to 29.92 THEN push the knob to STD.
I think Pierre is right. That's because many aircraft add-ons use their own variables for altimeter setting, but forget to also change the FS variable when STD is set. This way fsuipc still reads the last setting before you pushed (pulled) STD.
Or just disable it under FlightCritique.cfg... Saves you a lot of trouble and realism is not really taken from you, just don't forget to do it ;)

Hi Tobias,

I don't think it is the best way to progress in Pilot strictness. (It is only my point of view)

Having a 100% flight is a challenge that I like with the maximum of handicap. (I often have less than 100%)

Each of us has his own manias..... :(

Pierre ;)
This is very true, Pierre.
The only exception is FS Passngers which likes to crash your aircraft into invisible buildings :) :dizzy:

But on the other hand this is irritating if you press or twist cockpit instruments correctly and you still get punished.
I'll take your advice and use the STD flag the way you suggest. :thx:

Hello Rafal,

You' re right, therefore ASA get some bugs that I don't like.

I've landed at SBGL (Rio de Janeiro) and during approach (with mountains all around) Altimeter indicates -3000ft, and speed 450kts. :envy:

I had to close ASA and continue with "real weather" from FS9. Then all works well.

The landing was safe but pffffff........... :!:

Pierre ;)
Pierre Chassang said:
To avoid the critique, Set altimeter to 29.92 THEN push the knob to STD.

thank you for your advice. It works :)
And congratulations on promotion! :goodjob:

Best regards,

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