Problem with EHAM from Cloud9

Norbert Woeller

Users Local time
Today 11:30 PM

some weeks ago, I have installed the EHAM Scenery from Cloud9. Everything works fine and the scenery looks good. Today I plan to fly from EHAM, position my aircraft to a Gate and had a big surprise: There was no Airport :'(
I'm standing in a meadow :?: The Runways are there, but absolutly no building and not taxiways. Any idea?

Thank you
I had a similar problem with Aerosoft Islands of Malta, also with Amsterdam (v. 1.04) - they completely disappeared, all but runways :x . I reinstalled the sceneries and it helped. :yes:

But I guess you reinstalled the scenery and this didn't help. I've checked some info available and the problem may be of different nature, such as overlapping scenery, antivirus blocking the add-on, etc., your senery.cfg file may have bemoe corrupt if you installed an add-on scenery in the meantime. :?:

You may try to identify the issue below: they had a simiar problem:

Let us know if you managed to solve the problem, it can happen to anyone.

Best regards :hi: ,
Thank you Rafal. I have read this topic in the Cloud9 Forum too, Have registert to the Forum, but it's not activated yet. After the activation I will inform cloud9 about the problem...

I'm afraid they'll send you back to that forum...

:idea: You could also try to see if your scenery is complete:
:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\cloud9\AMSTERDAM\
and if, so, check in your FS scenery settings, if its there. Silly thing, but it may have disappeared and you will need to add it again. The set consists of three sceneries:

:idea: Then again, if you have the Netherlands Mesh Scenery installed (that huge file measured in GB ;) ) check if its lower than the Schiphol scenery in the FS scenery settings.

:idea: Another possibility is to go to your FS main directory and have a look at the scenery.cfg files. FS makes a backup of a scenery.cfg files each time you install an add-on scenery. Make a copy of your existing scenery.cfg file, find the back-up file created after you installed Amsterdam, rename it to scenery.cfg and see what happens.

I am afraid these are the limits of my knowlegde in this area :'(
Hopefully some better-oriented minds will come across your posts in our forum :eek:uch:

Make shure, that EHAM aswell as other Cloud9 sceneries are registered in the first 100 rows (IDs) in scenery.cfg. I think it helped me solve the problem.

Rafal, Tobi, thank you for your hints. But nothing works :x
Looking now forword to get my activation for the cloude9 forum, wich I haven't yet :(
Not really a solution to this problem, but yesterday I landed at EHAM, the Cloud 9 version. Fortunately I have no problems with it, except one. For some reason the makers decided to split Schiphol into a lot of small airports, all calle EHxxx where xxx stands for a number. This always results in a misreading of the arrival airport by FSPassengers and FS Flightkeeper :(

Does anybody know a solution to this one??????

Hello Jaroen,

didi you update airport database in your Flight Keeper after installing this scenery? 8)
Yes, I did. Isn't it so, that otherwise FS Flightkeeper would still see Schiphol as it is supposed to see it, ie. as EHAM and not EHxxx?
When I had Cloud9 Amsterdam for fs9, the missing buildings I belive was an issue with the activation of the product. So if you had a hacked version (not saying you have Norbert :p ) then you would get no buildings. When I got it, I had to uninstall, install and activate the product again, and it all worked.

As for EHxxx, I never that problem when using fs9 and fspassengers, always just showed up as EHAM whereever I landed - I think I remember there being an afcad available from the cloud9 website, maybe you could try this?
Also try searching for multiple afcads installed

ps, as I still have cloud9 Amsterdam serial for fs9, but don't use fs9 any more, an I able to sell the product key to a forum member for cheap (as it isn't like sharing a key as I no longer use it) or is that not allowed with downloaded software :S
As for EHxxx, I never that problem when using fs9 and fspassengers, always just showed up as EHAM whereever I landed - I think I remember there being an afcad available from the cloud9 website, maybe you could try this?
Also try searching for multiple afcads installed

I will try that ScanAFD prog. I have more troubles with old afcads on other software. I do remember that before I installed cloud9 I had some scenery that added moving cars and traffic around EHAM. I did uninstall it but maybe for some reason there's still something left
ps, as I still have cloud9 Amsterdam serial for fs9, but don't use fs9 any more, an I able to sell the product key to a forum member for cheap (as it isn't like sharing a key as I no longer use it) or is that not allowed with downloaded software :S

Haha, maybe you want to sell it to all forum members :rofl: For a beer or so whenever they meet you in your local? :lol:
Andrew Williams said:
When I had Cloud9 Amsterdam for fs9, the missing buildings I belive was an issue with the activation of the product. So if you had a hacked version (not saying you have Norbert :p ) then you would get no buildings. When I got it, I had to uninstall, install and activate the product again, and it all worked.

Hm, I'm also have uninstall and install it again. But after the installation the buildings and runways are there, but the Apron is still a meadow.
Then I noticed that the scenery wasn't present in the scenery library. So I have done that by myself. But after that, the whole scenery wasn't there, but a big meadow like before :x :dizzy: Next time I will visit EHAM, I will use a tractor and plant some vegetables :rofl:

Ah, and I'm still waiting for the activation to the Cloud9 Forum. Not a good support :wall:
Ah, and I'm still waiting for the activation to the Cloud9 Forum. Not a good support :wall:
That's probably due to the fact that Cloud9 moved all their products and support to another company. There was some announcement about that on Avsim, I think
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