FS FlightKeeper and Vista 64bit

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Today 10:53 PM
Hi all,
I am on a computer with Vista 64bit and I am running FlightKeeper as a testversion. After three fine flights I am suddenly having massively trouble with FSFK . I lost three more flights now because FSFK is telling me that "Microsoft MDAC (ADO) 2.5" could not be detected, FSFK could not run without and I should install them. :x This is silly because on a 64bit system there are no MDACs anymore but MS changed to windows DAC, which, if having set the PC to regular updates, was in any case automatically downloaded in the one or the other update in the past. There is no way to find the windows DAC as a seperate download (because as I said it is not necessary-its part of a SP).
I must recognize that these flights 4 to 6 are lost now :devil:
Someone knows this problems too?
I think I have no other choice than changing to FSPassengers (or the free stuff of course).

George (ACH0270)
George, check this thread on the FlightKeeper forum: http://www.molitor-home.de/FS/Forum/vie ... ?f=3&t=976

I couldn't find much more about this problem, so I don't think it's directly related to Vista 64bit. Probably something else that doesn't fit.

If the post doesn't get you anywhere, try to contact Thomas Molitor via that same forum. I'm sure he will help you.
Try to run it in administrator-mode. I'm having those MDAC messages sometimes when I'm using FSFK too early in the flight. When I start using it just before pushback, everything works fine.

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