FSAcars Database Error???

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Today 2:21 AM
I have got a Database error when trying to send my last flight through FSAcars...i have saved the log file...is there anyway to snd this so i could get credit for the flight.
This was very annoying i've logged hundreds of flights with fsacars before and this is a first :x
Gerard, you can send me the log via email to peter[at]air-child.com

Sorry for the trouble. Please read this post: http://www.air-child.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=359 and also do a forum search for FsAcars - you'll notice that a couple of people had more or less troubles with their reports.
It is a fact that there are bugs and glitches in the add-on itself that need to be worked around. However, I don't deny that there may also be problems with our pirep script. Since we support 4 different add-ons through a common database, we had to make a lot of modifications to the default scripts of FsAcars. After my last update I thought it worked quite ok (in fact, it always worked ok for me ...)
Despite different problems, database errors have been rather seldom so far. Should it happen again I suggest to try XAcars. It doesn't send as much useful data as FsAcars but it's definitely more stable.

ps: XAcars just released a new version (2.5) that we didn't test yet. This will be done next week.
Maybe there's new features, too.
Ok Thanks Peter i'll do that right away...i have actually downloaded Xacars and almost started a flight with it when it told me there was a problem with the live acars so i stopped it...think i'll give it a try when i land though 8)

I use Xacars 2.5 and there are some errors during my flight from eddk to eddv. The live acars don't work and I can't send the pirep. I got the error: Unkown Xacars Version :'(
I've saved the pirep but what can I do that the flight would be reported??
Andreas Heusner said:
I use Xacars 2.5 and there are some errors during my flight from eddk to eddv
Peter Schindler said:
XAcars just released a new version (2.5) that we didn't test yet. This will be done next week
see some posts further up ;)

Well..... apparently 2.5 is not as compatible as has been written on the LHA forum (yes, I spied over there ;))

To all: Please be careful with XAcars 2.5 at the moment!

We will check it out as soon as possible and adjust scripts where necessary....
I will also ask Bernhard about which changes have been made.

Andreas, please send me your saved file via email to peter[at]air-child.com.
It may take a while until it's included because I will not insert it manually but try to adjust the scripts at the same time.

@Gerard Busschers and T.S. Blade: Your FsAcars logs have been inserted to the database, pilot points restored, all data adjusted :phew:

ps: what's happening suddenly?? There was never so many problems at the same time....... :eek:
Andreas Heusner said:
Your eyes must be everywhere ;)
... just like my airline... :lol:

I'm on my way with XAcars 2.5 - so far the Live Acars works fine! As suspected, it was just the version check. The old version (2.0) identified itself with 1.1, the new version (2.5) identifies itself with 2.0
:dizzy: :dizzy: Maybe someone will explain that to me, some day :think:

Let's see how the pirep goes ....
Peter Schindler said:
:dizzy: :dizzy: Maybe someone will explain that to me, some day :think:
A great software need a big bug. Ask Austin and the X-Plane User, especially the User who updated Beatversions :lol:
Andreas Heusner said:
A great software need a big bug
Well, after all it's made by Austrians ......... :devil: (NO, just a joke! I LOVE Austria!! Really!)

At least I can confirm that, after updating the version check in both scripts (Acars and Pirep), everything seems to work fine. Red alert cancelled!
Now that we know that 2.0 is actually 2.5, I will also insert the new flight parameters, included with this new version.

ps: Andreas, I also uploaded your EDDK-EDDV Pirep now. And your first 5 points ;)
Thanks Peter gonna give it a try(Xacars) in place of FSPassengers...just one question(or 2 actually) i noticed it uses real time when logging flights and i do'nt see anywhere to change that to for example flight sim time..or am i missing something? Also for the times i fly offline and have to pause because of a family crisis(this happens normally only when i fly :lol: ) does Xacars pause to or continue logging?
Gerard Busschers said:
Thanks Peter gonna give it a try(Xacars) in place of FSPassengers
Personally, I would prefer FsPax, just because it provides some more flight data, like landing parameters, for example. Personal taste, of course, if you want them or not.
i noticed it uses real time when logging flights and i do'nt see anywhere to change that to for example flight sim time..or am i missing something? Also for the times i fly offline and have to pause because of a family crisis(this happens normally only when i fly :lol: ) does Xacars pause to or continue logging?
Yes, looks like XAcars is using real times for the pireps. I think all the others use flightsim time. However, I don't think this can be changed for XAcars. Will ask the developpers.

btw: I apologize for calling the XAcars dev team "Austrians". :oops:
Bernhard Harb is from Austria, but Marko Martinetz, the main programmer, is from Leipzig. Well, no jokes about Saxonians, now ;)
Personally, I would prefer FsPax, just because it provides some more flight data, like landing parameters, for example. Personal taste, of course, if you want them or not.

Yes i tend to agree...now if only i could get my hands on a copy of FSFlightKeeper...unfortunatley its not freely available in World Cup 2010 country and i swore off credit cards long time ago....we can only dream :'(

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Good News got FSAcars to log flights again...it does seem its not a problem on Air-Childs side Peter...i uninstalled completlely deleteing all INI files as well...reinstalled re-downloaded my ACH ini file and fired Acars up at the gate....it created a new FSAcars INI file and that seemed to do the trick :D
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