Wrong calculation of Points, Hours and Miles

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Today 2:50 AM
Hello Peter,

i am deeply impressed to see, that i am now in the rank of a senior captain ;-)
something seems to go wrong with the calculation of the points. as you can see in my reports, i should have about 54 points and now be a second officer.
would you please check this?


Stefan, if you look at you'll notice that FsAcars counted 00:65520 minutes of flight(!) and inserted a "UTC jump" between Rhodos and Samos (!!) :?

Things like that happen once in a while with FsAcars and we can not do anything about it. Especially the UTC jumping is a classic ;)

I corrected your times and points and sent you back .... zurück auf die billigen Plätze :lol:
Peter, is that also software bug (fspax) or an error in the script ?
(I declare in advance - I do not want to be seated on the cheap seats :) )

Philadelphia to Amsterdam
Total Fuel: 31524 kg
Fuel Used: 25104 kg
Remaining Fuel: 6420 kg

compared to:

Amsterdam to Manchester:
Total Fuel: 34248 kg (LOL)
Fuel Used: 26602 kg (ROTFL)
Remaining Fuel: 7646 kg (LAUGH)
Flight regulations require that you have sufficient fuel reserves upon landing (45 mn); you only had reserves for 00h16 of flight. (sure - 7646kg for 16min :rofl: )
(-300 pts)

I use Lb units (also set in my profile).
Never before had something like this..hmm

Can't be an error in the script, flight critique comes from fspax :idea: :lol:
I go freely to the cheap seats. :)
Let's assume that all these values are lbs, then it's 7646 lbs = 3468 kg (according to Google). With a 737 that's still good for 30 minutes but I don't know if you used a 747 or a Concorde for the 260nm ;)

About weight units: FsP uses both (lbs/kg) internally, but the pirep script uses either kg or lbs, depending on the server config for the script (in our case it's kg) - that's how it was designed by FsP. When FsP sends data, it asks the server first which weight unit to use and then sends the appropriate values. So the above numbers should actually be kg, if FsP didn't mess it up. In that case the penalty is hard to understand (and even with lbs it would be weird).

I looked through your pireps and saw that on the return for the same route it tells a block fuel of 4000 kg, which seems more like it. But in another report you have a block fuel of -17000 kg :)
I remember this may happen with FsP if you roll over one of the FS refueling stations (if not disabled through fsuipc). This automatically gives you full tanks after FsP has already recorded the start fuel. And this way you finish with negative block fuel ;)

To answer your question: blame FsPax and stay on the cheap seat :p
Business class is sold out, anyway :lol:
Thank you for the long explanation Peter. ;)
Sometimes it is difficult to understand how things work.
Most importantly is the fact, that my fuel calculations are always on the safe side. 8)
Irrespective of fspax, keepers, acarses and the European Commission on top.
Peter Schindler said:
blame FsPax and stay on the cheap seat :p
I'm always in front of events Peter, I know only left seat, all the rest - 757-200 tourist bomber, 235 config.
I will not blame Daniel Polli, cause Fspax is really cool irrespective of such small cosmetic errors. ;)
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