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Today 2:52 AM
Do we have an account in facebook?
well perhaps we don't need, but the biggest group in facebook about MSFS have around 3.100 and I was thinking that it is a good way to get Air-Child even more known to all simmers, just a thought ;)
And they still have ... ;)
Just: what is it good for? I don't want to sound too negative but ...
- both have a website
- both have a forum
- both have a twitter feed

Now, if I want some info, should I go to the website or to facebook? If I want to discuss things, should I visit the forum or facebook? And if I want a short news flash, should I read on twitter or facebook?
As a very personal opinion I think we shouldn't divert in too many directions just to follow some social networking hype :p
We have a forum, we have infos on the website and (if some didn't know) we have a - (which should be updated more often)

One thing we are already working on, is a blog/cms combination, where members can publish entire articles about interesting things (like cockpit building, RL aviation etc.), leave comments, upload pictures and so on. We will also use this for regular news and articles (i.e. about Unicef work). However, we want to have it included seamlessly into the ACH website, which is going to take some time.

If someone thinks we can't go without facebook, and if that someone is willing to setup and manage the account and keep it updated, send a PM to me or to Norbert. :hi:
Yes, the still have :think:
I don't know if we need a facebook account. We've a wonderful website. I think Luis wanted to say that a site on facebook can be a tool to generate new pilots for Air child.
I don't have the experience if it would be helpful.

Peter said:
we have a twitter feed - (which should be updated more often)
I'm horrifies ;) That's a new info for me. I think I must follow it.
But there I've a question. On the website is a twitter widget from UNICEF. Why don't we put a twitter widget of air child on the website too??
Peter said:
One thing we are already working on, is a blog/cms combination, where members can publish entire articles about interesting things (like cockpit building, RL aviation etc.), leave comments, upload pictures and so on. We will also use this for regular news and articles (i.e. about Unicef work).
Very interesting. But than you need a moderator who have an eye on the blog. Or if it would be possible a moderator must approve contributions before a text go online.
Andrew Williams said:
Peter Schindler said:
we have a - (which should be updated more often)

I've actually forgotten the password for it :oops:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Sorry Andrew.
But this isn't a big problem or?? If you got to sign in on twitter you can push the button "Forget your password".
Password ??? :think: :?: :hmm: :dizzy:
I can send you the many dots that Firefox remembers for me :rofl:

I have stored all the passwords for Air-Child, from database to teamspeak, in a file. But not the one for twitter.... :(
So, go ahead and press that forgotten link ;)

@Andreas: you have PM
"And the password is four times one"
"You are stupid because you make your password public."
"No, beacuse i don't said the right order!" :lol: ;)
Hopefully we can continue communicating via the forum. I might be considered an old dinosaur - but I have no facebook account - and I do not intend having one :think:
Several reason for it - but I wont bother you with it (and I do not go to Mc-Golden Arcs either) :devil:
There will be no change with the website of air child and the communication will still go on about the forum of this website here. So you don't need an account at facebook :!:
Luis Alves had the idea to integrate Air Child on Facebook, because facebook is a big community and there are a lot of groups about the hobby flight simulator. So a lot of virtual airlines have a account on facebook. The goal is to get attention for air child.
And know we have done it. Air Child has is own site on facebook (you will find it here: ).
So if you have a account on facebook become fan of our site :!:

If you don't have a account don't be scary. Everything still goes on here on air-cild.com (News, Forum and so on).
Facebook is a global platform which encompasses all sorts of people, walks of life, interests, and hobbies. There are many communities there, too, including the world(s) of virtual flight simulation.

It is appreciated that our members would like to have an ACH wall there - the airline they are proud of, they identify with and would like to promote. And this is, I belive, what the initiative is all about, but also - limited to it. I clicked the ACH fan button, too.

And/but all in all - our ACH website and its forum has been created for our community and it is just natural that its purpose of communication shall not be transferred or passed to any external platforms.

Thanks again to Andreas who will take care of our Web2.0 activities, so that us dinosaurs don't have to bother :lol:
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