Easy way to get a LOT of hours

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Today 11:31 PM
As can be seen on my latest flight ACH7072 KJFK-EKCH, the ACARS system has some funny jumps. So just to rectify this:

KJFK blocksoff time: 1215Z
EKCH blockon time: 2055Z

I suspect the fact that FS crashed and was restarted to be the reason for the glitsch. I've updated my nvidia driver - guess it might be the problem. Suddenly FS9 stuttered, the hardware connected via USB disconnected, Squawkbox disconnected as it couldn't find FS9. A restart didn't fix the stutter so while the FMC read 2055Z the actual time was closer to 2200Z :envy:

As my system is a core i7 64bit vista there should be no stutter at all :x
The most persistent ACH VA Pilot - congratulations!

I believe, dear Pilots, that our flying achievements are nothing, compared to this:


Not only for ACH VA but it also qualifies to the Guiness Book of Records! :rofl:

The question is, what aicraft made the pilot enjoy the longest ever haul: Wright Brothers'? :mrgreen:

Re: The most persistent ACH VA Pilot - congratulations!

Hmmm longest ever real life haul was in A340-500 from Newark to Singapore and it took 18h50m and was flown 29 June 2004.

But in that report... 65520 hours and 65 minutes :D Let's calculate. That's 2730 days witch is around 7,5 years. But if we take off standart double hex value of 65535 we will end with more or less 15h.

Anyway, it looks like neither of acars does not like crashing of sim or net conection during flight and may send strange reports if continued/reflyied...
Re: The most persistent ACH VA Pilot - congratulations!

Szymon Kurzacz said:
Let's calculate. That's 2730 days witch is around 7,5 years
Yeah, from a passenger's point of view, some flights just never end .....

Everything's back in place where it belongs.
Torben: thanks for giving me the block times. FS crashes can mess up a lot of things. Nevertheless: FsAcars sucks :envy: :p

Note: I merged the 2 topics. Was a bit confusing.

sorry Rafal but the record is mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Around 95000 turns to earth in one weekend :p
Hi Louis,

I never ascribed any record to mysef :D, though :p - the flight report I published above was someone else's.

Anyway, we're always open to beat any limits! 8)

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