finally got a copy of FSX

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Today 11:35 PM
Hi All,

Monday will be my birthday and I finally got myself a copy of FSX as a present. I got it really cheap from the GAMES shop for 20 euro! :D I want to use it mainly for leisure flying in small props, because I have FS 9 set-up for my home cockpit.

Now my question is where would you recommend me starting to look at improvements for FS X. I am talking about better frame rates now. I am already downloading SP 1 & 2 at the moment, but can any of you tell me what tips gave you better frame rates and experience.

Thanks lads

Try this:
Jeroen Bos said:
Monday will be my birthday and I finally got myself a copy of FSX as a present

Is it allowed to present your self 3 days before you have birthday? :lol:
Norbert Woeller said:
Is it allowed to present your self 3 days before you have birthday? :lol:

No unfortunately not. :( When I bought it my wife grapped the cd from me and put it away somewhere safe, so I'll have to wait till Monday. :lol: But, the fun before installing is as great as the day itself. :)

Thanks for the link Norbert, I'll have a look at what mathijs has to say.
Some time ago i've found little guide to FSX...
Wrogn... thats "little" :)

It tells about tons of myths about tweaking FSX to max FPS.

BUT. It tells step-by-step how to install everything to make sure, that You have MAX FPS possible for specified computer.

Only bad thing is that You should install FSX on clean computer, just after installing OS. But most tips work even when FSX is installed in other time.

Lets say about mine config: with default settings and instalation i've had barley 20-22 FPS, after making just basic improvements from this link i was able to maintain mostly above 24FPS almost all time (but not online, because of SBOX/FSINN messing with FPS in number of +/-10 after running it).
Installing additional texture "fix" witch will lower autogen and tree textures about half in size (its barley or not visible during play - You hardly can tell it that texture is full res or from fix) You should be able to get another few FPS...
What kind of system will you be installing it on Jeroen?

I have it on core2duo running at 3.2gig for mine

I know loads of people complain about framerates, but if you use it on a semi decent system, then it runs fine with the settings high. I get 60+ fps on my system, without any addons

It's when you start with the addons like pmdg 747, addon airports and weather, is when things really start to suffer. If I taxi at Cologne in MD-11 with ASV, then I can see frames as low as 8-10fps.

As you just want to fly small props, chances are frames won't be affected that much.

I will suggest an addon I came across which is ideal for small prop flying.
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