ACH staff improves skills

Norbert + all other pilots:

On Wednesday 5th May there will be a controller exam at EPWA, between 18.00 and 20 UTC. One ouf our fellows will be trying to gain his STU1 rating, You can help him out and ... test my skills, I'll be sitting the TWR.

EPWA scenery:

Indeed , you wre on time. Thank you for flying out, Norbert. The candidate at EPWA GND passed his exam for Stu1.

I was a pleasure to have you in Warsaw. The VIP Lounge was closed due to renovation, unfortunately, but you will find a case of best Polish Beer at the back hold of your aircraft (well hidden under the pile of old rags :lol: )

Rafal Bardel said:
Indeed , you wre on time. Thank you for flying out, Norbert. The candidate at EPWA GND passed his exam for Stu1.
Concratulations to him :clap:
Rafal Bardel said:
I was a pleasure to have you in Warsaw. The VIP Lounge was closed due to renovation, unfortunately, but you will find a case of best Polish Beer at the back hold of your aircraft (well hidden under the pile of old rags :lol: ) :hi:

It was my pleasure. About the beer: Please take a look at my flight critique:
Excessive yaw during rollout: -7.5%
B.t.w. I`m landing with empty bottles at Frankfurt. That must be the reason.
7.5%? That must be the alcohol in that beer :lol:
Hi all

Dear Friend Pilots. I would to let You know, that Our colleague Maciej Duczyński ACH398 will have practical exam for STU1, at :arrow: EPWA 22/JUL/2010, please be there around 20.30- 21.00 local time, and help Maciek.
We can show again how fix :hug: We (ACH pilots) are, one for all and all for one. :hug: :fly:

I hope You can understand my broken English :) ;) :rofl:
Arek, you promised to keep it a secret;) Of course, I invite you all. I will be glad to "accommodate" the pilots, with whom I have the pleasure to fly under the same banner. Thursday, July 22. starting at 1800Z. Feel invited to attend.
Hmmmm, I have an old aircraft which likes to break down right on the main taxiway... Shall I bring it over?
Rafał Your SP-RBA is good enough (has 98.33%) You can take her no problem, but if You will get stock journey taxing We can push You forward to h/p before RWY:)
Congratulations Maciej! My old good widebody apparently likes you and it did not break down this time. Keep up with good work. Hope you will soon climb the tower!
Big thank you Rafal for helping in the training and "disturbing" ;) during the exam,
Thanks Arek, for doing the traffic on the exam.
Thank you all ACH pilots who were with me in spirit.
And of course, I invite you to visit Polish Airports :)
I am very pleased to invite you to the next stage of the series "ACH staff improves skills".
In the coming Friday (EPWA, 24.09 - 1800Z), Rafal will try to gain more stripes on the epaulets (S3) :)
Please let us help him !
Dear Colleagues Pilots

With pleasure I inform you that one of our pilots and my good friend Arek Wicher - ACH407, will try to get the first level of Air Traffic Controller. You have the opportunity to help him in this, on Thursday, October 28th, between 1800-2000Z at Airport Warsaw - Okecie (EPWA).

Let us help Arek in passing this exam. :fly:
Maciej Duczynski said:
With pleasure I inform you that one of our pilots and my good friend Arek Wicher - ACH407, will try to get the first level of Air Traffic Controller.

I know that he passed exam and he is now S1 ATC. Congratulations!
Thank You :thx: Mateusz, but YOU passed STU2 (TWR) two days before me, so congratulation :goodjob: to You as well, aslo Maciej Duczynski ACH398 have god STU2 (TWR) rating, last satrunay. So dear pilots, when You will fly to or from Poland next, that will not be to hard to meet some of us on position. See U so. :fly:
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