[FS9] Windows 7 + XAcars

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Today 11:17 PM
Good afternoon gents! :)

I´m now a Windows 7 user and of course I´d like to continue flying for ACH but I have got a tiny problem with XAcars.

To cut a long story short: I can´t click on "start ACARS". I have no issues with loading the booked flight but when it comes to recording the flight - no chance :S All the settings have been checked numerous times and still no luck.
Do you guys have any hints of what am I doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated :idea:
Michi - which FSUIPC Version do you use? Some Addons copy their "own" version, which is a very old one mostly. So try to copy the latest version into your Modules folder and try XAcars again.


FSUIPC has been updated properly to the latest version which is 3.98 but it still does not work.
Some additional info for Bernhard: Michael told me yesterday that his "Start XAcars" button is disabled / greyed out. So I was wondering if this could be a specific problem with Win7 ?
I'm using XP, so I can't tell or test.
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