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This time Airchild pilots will have a chance to show our widebodies and skills to ... real live public. For two days in June, 26 and 27, there will be an annual big real aviation event -The VII Krakow Airshow, which attracts thousands of visitors every year. Polish VACC will be there live, with top controllers, providing continuous air traffic control over Poland from 8 to 16 UTC, and displaying radar scopes and tower views on multimedia projectors. There is also a special "Realops" event being prepared by the Polish Division of Vatsim, together with LOT Virtual Airlines.


ACH VA has been envited to take part as a special guest, indpendently of the realops booking system. We see it a chance to show up in the real world.


On Saturday, June 26, ACH pilots will depart from EDDK to EPKK at 12:30 UTC After a quick turnover, at approximately, at 14:30 UTC, will leave EPKK enroute to LOWW. Thus, we will have covered two hubs and visit Krakow during the real live airshow.

This is ACH group event, and, for this occasion, 1 Euro will be donated for each ACH flight.

Of course you can fly two legs or join only one of your choice.


and search in the chart section.

Suggested routes (upper airways):

KUMIK Y854 BOMBI UL984 RASPU UZ660 ROKEM UZ650 BERVA UM748 NIT UM985 JAB (for some reason not accepted by the latest Airac 1006 but good for previous ones. If anyone can figure out a better one, please let me know)


I hope to be proud of my airline pilots being given landing permissions one by one!

there's no need to book any slots for ACH VA, Tom- ATC know that we will be flying an "extra formation".
All we need to do is to meet at EDDK and fly off, one after another.

Rafal Bardel said:
I hope to be proud of my airline pilots getting landing permissions one by one!
Ufff...thank God I'm left-handed - sitting side by side you can't knock my beer from the table. :hug:
thanks for the reminder Rafal..

hopefully on that day, I will be vacant.. and I hate it when someone screws it.. :devil: :lol:
Either but - it's easier for ATC if callsigns of acft arriving in group are more distnict. Therefore it would be better to use your ACH ID as callsign, rather than chater number during such and event.
Rafal Bardel said:
Either but - it's easier for ATC if callsigns of acft arriving in group are more distnict. Therefore it would be better to use your ACH ID as callsign, rather than chater number during such and event.

You're right about that. We're fighting against that problem in reallife aswell ;)

Hello Rafal!
A nice scenery of EPKK with only this one taxiway to the apron. Are there any restrictions? Departing aircraft first or so? Or is it handeld by ATC?
Hi Norbert,
indeed there is one taxiway in and out of the apron which can cause a bottleneck during big traffic. As a real life rule, all aicraft which have already been pushed back have priority, which means that aircraft taxing after landing will be asked to hold short in G or earlier, if in sequence with other aircraft taxing in, to let the departing airplanes taxi to h/p of the runway. But this may changed ocassionaly, by ATC, if, for example, the situation requires so.

In real life a second taxiway is nearly finished so there will be a nice round traffic.

The preferred rwy in EPKK is 25 (the only one with ILS) and you can expect arrivals and departures from rwy 25 up to extreme wind component allowable.

An interesting thing is a low-pass approach over the hill with trees, where aircraft almost brush up the trees, also in real.

I am about to finish a refined version of EPKK scenery, with the new taxiway -(still closed while it is under construction). Hopefully I will finish the work before the event so I can let you download it. ;)

Dear Pilots,

I'd greatly appreciate knowing how many ACH pilots we should expect in Krakow. This is important, since ACH will be flying "off the booking system", I need to know more or less the volume of traffic expected - and .... book the gates or you!

And also, here you have the more up-to-date and very nice scenery of EPKK. Please update your scenery database.
Hello Rafal,

we talked about the route with AIRAC 1006 some days ago at VATSIM PM, You remember?
Here's one can be taken with the actual 1006th and was just verified by the team of Michal Rok or himself:


Now it's Your turn to make an advice to us - the pilots - what's the best for You/ATC - direct via SKAVI or per STAR via JAB - kindly let us know.

btw: I'll be on schedule at EDDK-Apron on Saturday and will wait for the others and the leader of the pack - whoever it might be.
And for FSX-user like me: there is a scenery for "us" at the which works fine and complies to the actual charts. For direct download click next link: or visit "Files" at the very nice site of .
Hi Heinz,

thank you for your interest and provision of a new route.

In fact, in EPKK TMA, SKAVI is a fix which is located along the route of the JAB star, however, for some reasons, not a part of it.

In reality STARs in EPKK have been introduced only recently to ease the life of pilots who arrive after 20.00 UTC or at weekends (APPROACH service is normally off at these times). But when APP is on, vectoring is provided.

So most of the times, once you enter KRAKOW TMA you will be vectored by APP (or EPWW_CTR if APP is absent at VATSIM). From the point of view of ATC there is not much difference between following a star or flying dct to SKAVI.

The plan you provided assumes an unusual profile, which requires the pilot, shortly after climb, to descend to FL255, and carry on at this level intil initial descend, most of the cruising distance, which does not mean it cannot be flown of course ;) Just a bit unusual. BTW: I tried to find a better one using different devices but for some reasons - still errors are being returned. :(

Rafal Bardel said:
The plan you provided assumes an unusual profile, which requires the pilot, shortly after climb, to descend to FL255, and carry on at this level intil initial descend, most of the cruising distance, which does not mean it cannot be flown of course ;) Just a bit unusual.
Hello Rafal,

thank You for Your explanations. You know I'm a newbie and I'm very, very athirst for knowledge. Please give me private tutorial in route planning that I don't make such mistakes any more. A link to a helpful reading matter or technical paper would be enough. Or somebody else in this forum could help me.

This is the beginning of the planned route: EDDK KUMIK L603 TESGA/N0100F255 UL603 ESATI ...
What is the right notation to define that I have to climb from L603 (FL060-FL240 between KUMIK and TESGA) to UL603 (FL250-FL660) at TESGA with a minimum of FL255 and 100 Knots, higher speed and altitude are possible of course - only the minimums - or in other words, whow can I describe, that I have to fly the first leg at lower altitude not exeeding FL240 and at TESGA I have (!!) to climb to change to another FL? Or has the pilot the sole responsibility to observe the presettings of jetways?
Please mind: I'm not a real pilot or have job-related knowing about this coherences. :think: So if the questions seems to be stupid or simple, sorry about that. :oops:

Dear xplane pilots,
Hartmut konverted the FS9 EPKK scenery which Rafael posted. You will find it as usual in the xplane secrets area.

Thank you Hartmut
well I have been looking at charts, trying and puzzling, but it's an absolute nightmare to design a route from EDDK to EPKK. No matter what I try, I'm always ending up with an error somewhere.

I think I'll just depart from EHAM :lol:
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