ACH register at IVAO?

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I do not see Air Child as Virtual Airline when I fly online using IVAO.
Could you register Air Child at IVAO? (
Ricardo Rementería Troncoso said:
Could you register Air Child at IVAO?
YES, we can! ;)
Registration is on its way. Honestly, we didn't think of it, so thanks for kicking our butts :oops:
Peter Schindler said:
Ricardo Rementería Troncoso said:
Could you register Air Child at IVAO?
YES, we can! ;)
Registration is on its way. Honestly, we didn't think of it, so thanks for kicking our butts :oops:

Hi Peter is ACH registered at Vastim?
Cheers Tom
Tom Weber said:
Hi Peter is ACH registered at Vastim?

OK, I'm not Peter :lol: , but I know the answer:
scroll down a little bit...
I know Air-Child Airlines is now registered at IVAO, but look at this info window from FSimTools ( I use it because it gives information over both networks at the same time (IVAO and VATSIM).


And now look at the information about another pilot, this time from VATSIM:


The second one has a logo and the full name of the VA. That's much better.
Something from VATSIM? Let's give a look at another pilot, this time from IVAO, like myself:


This one has also a logo and a full name of the VA.
My question: if other VA's can it, why we cannot?
yeah, good question, Ricardo. I admit I didn't know the fsimtools service, but looking at the airline logos, from their look and size, it seems they are taken from the ServInfo pool. If you install ServInfo (a desktop application) it comes with an image folder full of common airline logos. There are even some logos of purely fictional VA's (the group we fall into). But since ServInfo wasn't updated in years, there is no way to get a new logo into the default logo pool.
In the case of Servinfo it's only possible to add a picture and text line to the configuration yourself, and it will look like this


If someone is interested in doing this, here's the logo:

(right click and save; put in ServInfo's "logos" folder; then edit "servinfo.dat" to add ACH as airline)

And the one for Lufthansa

where you can see it's probably the same as in your screenshots from fsimtools.

As far as I understood the fsimtools API, the picture files are stored on their server (Vatsim and Ivao do not provide any logos, for sure). So maybe we can send them the above picture and ask them to include it. I can try to do that. ;)
I cannot see Air-Child in the list of VAs at IVAO but there is a thread on their forums asking for updated info for the Eye, ... cseen.html Perhaps someone from the management can send them the logo to be included.

It is a shame we cannot report flights through IVAO as I have seen several members of AC flying in the last few days.
William Hall said:
It is a shame we cannot report flights through IVAO...
:oops: :oops: :oops:
That's a shame, indeed! Many, many oopses from my side because that's all my fault :'(
We had already started an attempt to register ACH with IVAO last summer. Since I'm not registered there, Norbert gave me his user data. I finally created all the different logo sizes they require (have a look at their VA registration page; worse than Vatsim) but then I had no more time for almost 2 months and after that I lost track.
Now that I restarted the registration process I realized that Norbert's account is inactive, at the moment, and I also need his nickname for the Ivao forums which I don't have. Will discuss that with him and promise to finish that registration in the next 2 days :yes:
I know this thread is rather old... anyway, I just started flying online with IVAO and would like to know if it's possible to use the air-child callsign ACH in IVAO?
So far air-child VA is not officially registered with IVAO, and I think the two days mentioned by Peter two posts above already passed ;)
Matthias Schneider said:
I think the two days mentioned by Peter two posts above already passed ;)
REALLY ?!? :eek:

Seriously, Matthias, the whole thing turned out being much more complicated than we thought. Norbert didn't want to renew his IVAO membership and I have already trouble keeping my Vatsim account because I don't fly enough. So, what we need is someone with IVAO experience who's willing to jump in and who is reliable at the same time.
Since we are both EDDS based, I will contact you via PM this weekend. Maybe we can work something out.
I will also like that ACH would be a IVAO registered virtual airline as I fly most of the time on IVAO, moreover Germany is one of the most active communities in IVAO:

I'd like also to see Air Child registered as VA on IVAO and I could help with my IVAO account but I went to the VA requirements and found these points among other:
§4: The registration form must be filled in and submitted by the actual CEO/Owner of the VA and not by another person, even if belonging to the VA-staff.
§5: VAs are required to log per week at least Nº of users X 2 hours = Required hours. It does not mean each user must fly 2 hours, it means the total of hours flown by the company must be calculated with this formula. This is the minimum required to maintain their membership status in our Virtual Airlines System..
§9: To become a VA affiliated with IVAO™, the company must have at least 10 IVAO active users, and you have to send an email to the email account advised in the Virtual Airlines pages requesting become active in the system.

How many persons from Air Child are flying on IVAO? Would we be able to meet their requirements?
I fly either offline or on Vatsim, but in case there is better coverage, I choose IVAO. It certainly makes sense to register ACH on IVAO as well.

an Air-child member is just trying, to get all the necessary things for a registration on IVAO.

So please stand by.
Hi all,

it's me that tried to register AirChild at IVAO the last days, but we don't fulfill all the requirements at the moment.
But I will try to solve this the next weeks/months, so please be patient :D

Anyway, if you want you can fly online on IVAO using our callsign ACHxxxx, it's possible. I tried this the last few days and it works, no problem.
In fact of that AirChild is not well known on IVAO we can help the ATC a little bit:

Please notice in your flightplan under Remarks your callsign for this flight, for example:
"callsign ACH7349 (spoken: airchild7349)"

This helps the controller to identifiy us, sometimes they called me Alpha Charlie Hotel 7349 :rofl:

Thanks Martin
Hi Martin,

What are the main issues that we don't fulfill in order to get the certification? Maybe some of us we can help...


well, the requester of the registration process
- must have an IVAO id
- must be online on IVAO since min. 6 months
- min 50 flight hours online
- min rating of PP (private pilot), this means an exam in theory and practical flight exam
- must be the CEO of the VA
- all pilots must be online on a certain amount of hours per month (this is no problem for us, hihi)

I asked Peter to extend the pilot roster with an additional row for the IVAO id, so we can check which pilots are already active there.

I've done several flights on IVAO the last days (my wife is a little bit angry, hihi :devil: ).

Thanks Martin
well, the requester of the registration process
- must have an IVAO id
- must be online on IVAO since min. 6 months
- min 50 flight hours online
- min rating of PP (private pilot), this means an exam in theory and practical flight exam
- must be the CEO of the VA
- all pilots must be online on a certain amount of hours per month

These requirements are ridiculous.
It means the CEO of the VA is the only person who may request the registration, AND he must have an IVAO id, online since min. 6 months, min 50 flight hours online and min rating of PP.

I always though a CEO was an organizator, a manager, but those guys from IVAO want a virtual pilot in that function. I wonder if all the CEO's of IVAO's registrated VA's really fulfill that profile.
Actually, I think those requirements are bullshit.

Let's fly!!! :fly:
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