a few words about flight reporting

Peter Schindler

Users Local time
Today 9:43 AM
Today I fixed a couple of reports, especially with wrong or missing distances and flight times. It's something I do regularly, and I don't mind doing it, since it doesn't happen too often.
Recently there have been more "buggy" reports, though. That's why I would like to remind you (especially all new pilots) to follow some basic advice with flight reporting. Especially when using FsAcars and XAcars (the other 2 tools proved very stable, so far):

- Please make your flight briefing and booking as complete as possible. If you book a charter flight, follow the briefing and insert your flight plan (DEP - waypoints - ARR), whenever possible.

- After you have started up your FS and pirep add-on, please get the data from your booking via the appropriate buttons:
XAcars -> "Get ACARS Flightdata"
FsAcars -> "Get flight from VA"
many problems only arise because of missing data, like flight number and/or aircraft registration number.
Fetching the VA briefing data is the easiest and most secure way to make sure everything's in place.

- Avoid time or space shifting after you've started your pirep add-on. Make your complete aircraft setup first, including fuel and payload. Only start the pirep add-on when you are ready for startup/pushback, parking brake still set.

- on arrival, taxi to the stand, set brakes, shut down engines - then stop your flight logging and transmit your pirep before you do anything else.
It's also a good idea to disable crash detection, in case you crash into AI traffic or scenery. If it happens after arrival, you will be warped back to departure - something that pirep tools don't like at all :)

If you have any questions regarding your reports, don't hesitate to post them here.
And of course we recommend reading the pilot manual. :p


ps: I sent a mail to the XAcars team today, about the problem with total distance recording and asking them to include the distance parameter in one of the next versions, so we do not have to use workarounds anymore. I'll keep you updated.
Ok , now i understand .
I did not read this post before. I will take care about this .
Thx for this post ;)
Keep up the good work Peter ;) ... hope the nice folks concerned with XAcars update the lovely app soon 8) .

ps: Having crash detection turned on adds to the realism and fun, though it can be annoying taxing in only to be hit by an 'over welcoming AI aircraft or fuel truck' :lol:
Well... I have another one for you to fix!

I was starting a flight from CYYZ to EDDK and about 60 nm out of CYYZ I had a birdstrike which killed my Engine 2 on my 747-400...So with a large aircraft with 51% fuel in it I decided to backtrack to CYYZ... But for some reason FSPassenger seems to reduce distance rather than add if you ever have to turn around...so my total distance was 1 nm rather than 120 (to where i turned around & backed) therefore giving my flight 0 points...
For the VA points it's only the flight time that counts. Sou you should have been given 4 points (take-off/landing [3] plus 30 mins flight [1]) for this one. The 0 points at the bottom of your report is just a value of the FsP flight critique and not taken into account for the Air-Child points.
Pierre-Nicolas Roy said:
for some reason FSPassenger seems to reduce distance rather than add
Well, it's a "feature" of FsP to get the flight distance after the flight, by just calculating distance from departure to destination. It does this with all flights, not just emergencies. It does not actually track the flown distance. A functional fault about which I told the developer years ago. But he decided to leave it this way.
Why it still counts 1 nm from one airport to the same airport is probably due to a rounding error in calculations ;)
Ahhh :oops: my bad that explains a lot :oops:

I thought the Manual said you earned points for each block of xx nm flown but after reading it again it's by 30 minutes blocks :oops:

Hi Peter,

I got a error messgae with filing a flight Report from FS FLight Keeper...

when Send the Pirep I always get follwing error message.

Error: 2 - The transmitted flight number doesn't match any of the scheduled flights.

Checked the flight number and everything is according to the manual. What should I do... any suggestions..

Thanks in advance!
Andrew Williams said:

If you go to 'Dispatch Centre' > 'My bookings', is the flight with the flight number still in your bookings?

Yep... flight is still there!
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