Can't update briefing (charter flight)

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Today 10:36 PM

I've just joined Air-Child and am looking forward to contributing. However, I've run into a problem while trying to set up my first flight (a charter flight). I fill in / amend the fields in the briefing (as shown in the Pilot Manual, page 11) but, when I then click on the "update briefing" button, I'm given:

mEmbers oNly
The content you are trying to view can only be accessed by registered members.
Please log in with your Pilot-ID or click here to go back to the previous page.

The problem is that I have logged in (and have javascript and cookies enabled). Help!
Apologies if I've missed something obvious or posted this in the wrong forum. (I also tried a search for "update briefing" but didn't find a solution.)

David K
Hello David and welcome.

I can't seem you replicate the problem on my system.

If I'm logged into the site it works find for me. If I'm not logged in I can't even get into entering details on the charter page, so you must be logged in as you say.

When you get the 'Members only' message, is your ACHxxxx still showing as logged in at the top of the page? or have you been somehow logged back out?
Thanks for your prompt response and welcome, Andrew.

First, to answer your question,
When you get the 'Members only' message, is your ACHxxxx still showing as logged in at the top of the page? or have you been somehow logged back out?
Yes, the "Logged in: ACH0493 - David Kernow" remains -- and, I've now discovered, it remains even after I've tried to log out (by clicking "log out" on the bank of buttons underneath the picture of the children)...! It seems I can only restore the "LOGIN: Pilot-ID •••••" if I remove the cookies manually. I'm using Firefox version 3.6.10 (I think that's the most recent version).

After I posted my message, I remembered I still had Internet Explorer ( version 8 ) installed, so tried that. Everything then seemed to work, logging in and out and clicking the "update briefing" button to move onto the weather report. So, for now, I guess that's what I'll need to use. I'd prefer Firefox, though, as that's what I normally use. I wonder why it's not working -- I can't recall the same kind of problem occurring before.

Second, a query after seeing the aircraft available for charter flights. If, say, all the Dash 7 aircraft are in use, could I still book one of the ATRs but fly it using a Dash 7 or similar turboprop?

I had same problem with firefox

I downloaded google chrome and it worked fine plus google chrome seems to run faster too.


Wes Boyle - ACH0471
Wes, David

don't know what's going wrong with your login. Most are using firfox (me to) without problems. Hmmm, I have to ask Peter... :?:

And shur: A very warm WELCOME to both of you.

Best Regards
Norbert Woeller said:
have to ask Peter...
At your service .... 8)

Wes, that sounds pretty weird to me. I suppose that something (not sure what - FF private mode, some firewall setup ...) blocks your session cookie in FF. That you still seem to be logged in, is probably due to the "remember me" cookie on your harddisk. So, basically, you are logged out, then logged in again by the cookie - but your session gets lost inbetween. Could you try to
- delete that cookie
- log in without ticking the "remember me" checkbox
- try to book a flight
- see what happens (especially check if, after clicking "update", you are still logged in this time)

Peter, Norbert, Wes and Andrew,

I feel like I'm having the red carpet rolled out for me -- thanks for all your attention.

Here's what happened when I followed Peter's instructions:
Peter Schindler said:
I suppose that something (not sure what - FF private mode, some firewall setup ...) blocks your session cookie in FF
If it does make any difference, I don't use Firefox's private mode and have the free version of ZoneAlarm as a firewall (which hasn't popped up any queries or permission requests, etc).
Peter Schindler said:
......Could you try to
- delete that cookie
- log in without ticking the "remember me" checkbox
- try to book a flight
- see what happens (especially check if, after clicking "update", you are still logged in this time)
Okay, here's what's just happened, starting with no Air-Child cookies:

- Logged in without ticking "remember me";
- One Air-Child cookie now present, "PHPSESSID", but with no Name, Content, Host, Path, Send for or Expires information listed;
- Able to go and start booking a charter flight. As before, entered details in the various fields and then clicked "update briefing"...
- ...but same problem as before ("members only" message appears) and top left of page still shows "Logged in: ACH0493 - David Kernow".
- No change to Air-Child cookies (i.e. still only PHPSESSID with no details, as above).
- Came to forum to post this message, logging in without ticking "Log me in automatically" or "Hide my online status";
- Five new Air-Child cookies in addition to the original PHPSESSID: style_cookie, phpbb3_qilba_sid, phpbb3_qilba_k, phpbb3_qilba_u and OAID, all with Name, Content, Host, etc information -- and PHPSESSID now has same information as OAID (Name: OAID[!], Content: [jumble of letters and digits], Host:, Path: \, Send for: Any type of connection, Expires: 27 September 2011 17:37:20).

Again, if it makes any difference, I use the "Cookie Monster" add-on (version 1.0.2 with default options) to manage cookies in Firefox. I don't think it's caused any problems before.

When I try the same in Internet Explorer, starting with no cookies:
- Logged in without ticking "remember me"...
- ...but can't find any Air-Child cookies! (Tools > Internet Options > Browsing history > Settings > View files; I can see image and script files asoociated with, however).
- Able to continue beyond "update briefing" as before.

So... hopefully something in all that will help. The lack of information associated with PHPSESSID when it's set initially (at least, in Firefox) seems to be key.


Wes Boyle said:
I had same problem with firefox
I downloaded google chrome and it worked fine plus google chrome seems to run faster too.
I've never tried Google Chrome -- I hadn't realised it was a browser -- so thanks for the suggestion.
I will leave Peter to get all technical with this problem :D
I will just add that I use firefox and can book a charter without any problem (using both xp & windows 7). However the green log out does not log me back out of the site.
ooops ... almost missed your answer, David. This post dropped through pretty fast ;)
David Kernow said:
I don't use Firefox's private mode and have the free version of ZoneAlarm
personally, I'm no fan of ZoneAlarm but don't think it's the culprit here.
...One Air-Child cookie now present, "PHPSESSID", but with no Name, Content, Host, Path, Send for or Expires information listed;
that's the session cookie, and it's ok to have no further content; it's just a number for the server to identify your session (anonymously). In short: your session seems to be established alright.
same problem as before ("members only" message appears) and top left of page still shows "Logged in: ACH0493 - David Kernow". No change to Air-Child cookies (i.e. still only PHPSESSID with no details, as above).
totally weird..... "members only" page is only called if you're NOT logged in ... and if not logged in you shouldn't be "logged in" ... :S :dizzy: ;)
Came to forum .... Five new Air-Child cookies in addition to the original PHPSESSID
fine, as well. the board uses its own cookies
I use the "Cookie Monster" add-on
don't know the add-on but will try to install for some tests
When I try the same in Internet Explorer ... can't find any Air-Child cookies
normal, too, because IE stores the session cookies in a different way than Mozilla browsers
I've never tried Google Chrome -- I hadn't realised it was a browser -- so thanks for the suggestion.
another browser I'd like to suggest is Opera; recent versions are stable and fast. And while you're at it, maybe also try Apple's Safari, just to see if Firefox is the only one to cause these troubles - in that case I would suspect the cookie add-on might actually cause it.


I just tried Cookie Monster and had no problems booking a charter, even with air-child cookies denied, as long as session cookies are allowed. With session cookies denied I was logged out immediately.
At the moment I'm rather clueless. Maybe report back once you've tried some other browsers.
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