FSPASSENGERS company logo

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Today 10:36 PM
as FSPASSENGERS asks you the option of a company logo dose Air Child have one ?

and if not could one be made as id like one but dont have the skills to make one myself

Wes Boyle - ACH0471
Hi Wes,

There was one made a while ago but the image is no longer there.

Hopefully Frank still has the image, and can upload it once again for the members. 8)

ps, is that you on the bike in your avatar?
cheers mate hopefully he can...

I have a new bike now 09 R6

old bike zx636r 2 weeks before it was in bits on the M1 Motorway after being hit by a elderly woman driver

do you have a bike ?
Wes Boyle said:
I have a new bike now 09 R6

Nice 8)

old bike zx636r 2 weeks before it was in bits on the M1 Motorway after being hit by a elderly woman driver

Whoops. Was that at high speed? Any injuries?
do you have a bike ?

I have a rather beaten up (dropped once and highsided once) 1998 GSXR600 at the minute, but on the look out for a 2005-2006 GSXR600 in black, but I can't seem to find out up here. One like this...
Nice bike's them mate

I was on the motorway doing about 90mph in fast lane (lane 3) it was sunny and light traffic went to pass a car and she pulled into my lane hit my leg and sent the back end into a wiggle for about 200meters knew I could not hold it so dropped it and hoped id be ok, as I dropped the bike it kicked out and flicked me in the air. Trucker said I went about 20ft up come down bloke my leg and kicked myself in the head(helmet) smashing the visor (hurt like a mother) cant complain thou I survived and still able to ride. Woman who hit me got done by the police for driving without due-care and attention I got let of for the speed due to light traffic and cop was a biker but the bike was snapped in half and was scrap.
Could have been a lot worse of an outcome :eek: but as the saying goes, it's not how fast you were doing when you can off, it's how quickly you come to a stop after you come off that matters.
Here's my bike.


I like to sit in the sidecar when nobody's watching and imagine someone's taking me for a ride.

Have you been taken for a ride?

PS Glad no-one died.
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