Difficulties with FS Flight Keeper

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Today 11:37 PM
Recently I got FSFK for my Air-Child flights. I have followed everything in the pilot manual but when I start it recording the flight it changes the callsign to ACH74. I set it when I had the parking brake set and everything off and that.
Is there anything I've missed?
Kind regards,
Michael Male
Just change the callsign manually to your boooked flight number later on, during the flight or even after landing, but prior to sending the report. :hi:
If you don't change it until later in the flight, then the flight wont show on the Live Map.

Do you complete all of the information in Flight Keeper, then connect to FS? I think when you connect to FS it reads the flight number from the aircraft.cfg and sets it to that.

First thing I do is connect to FS, and then start to complete the fields (most of which auto complete anyway)
Does FS Keeper detects Building and aircraft collision?
I find it annoying especially when flying on VATSIM since most of those online players will just appear out of nowhere at the same time building crashes are totally random on some scenery.

Anyway, is there anyway it can be turn off?
Andrew Williams said:
If you don't change it until later in the flight, then the flight wont show on the Live Map.

Do you complete all of the information in Flight Keeper, then connect to FS? I think when you connect to FS it reads the flight number from the aircraft.cfg and sets it to that.

First thing I do is connect to FS, and then start to complete the fields (most of which auto complete anyway)

I tried this and it worked!

Thank you very much guys for your help, I've now used FSFK for two flights :yes:
Glad it is sorted Michael :up:
Genno Songcayawon said:
Does FS Keeper detects Building and aircraft collision? ?

Providing you have crash detection turned off within the flight simulator settings, then fsfk does not force the crash detection on like fsp does (though it can be disabled in fsp too). If crash detection is on in flight simulator, and you get a false crash, flight keeper will report the crash.

would also like to share a small issue with the experienced users within this VA :)
Ocassionally - when the flight has already been finished and it is time to upload the Report "to the Web service" i get an unsolved problem.
From time to time FS Flight Keeper stops while uploading the picture of the taxi-route. This may either occur for the departure OR the destination airport. It usually stops at around 50% or 60%.
I can use all the other features without interference - e.g. the world map, open stored flights ...
I may even save the flight. > Windows Task Manager tells me the application is still working fine.

The strange fact is, that this issue is not linked to special airports or aircraft AND it does not occur for every PIREP. I experienced troubles on my last flight with PMDG MD-11 at LOWW and iFly 737 at LEMD ...

I've already tried to refresh the nav database but this doesn't seem to be the solution.
The Message from FSFK is "Der Upload der Karte für das Reinrollen läuft. Bitte warten..." - analogously "The upload for the taxi-map is in progress. Please stand by ..."

Would be glad, if someone can help me :)
Will continue to check different boards in the meantime ...
Hmm, looks like this issue is known and was corrected with v2.7
"PIREP map uploads caused an endless loop in FSFK, if the server connection was lost due to an error or a closed internet connection "

Sounds like the exact definition of my problem".
Nevertheless this is not the solution ... :no:
Ok I think I've managed to sort out the problem.
Seems to be a problem with LOWG and LOWW Scenery as they do not show up correctly in FSFK.
Will report back when the issure is fixed.

At least I was able to solve the problem with LOWG.
Had to do with the LOWG2009 scenery (ADG) for FS9.
I had problems with 3 different AFCAD files, that caused problems in reading the correct file.
Namely "AF2_LOWG.bgl" << the good one, aalowg.bgl and apexclude.bgl.
The latter two files caused errors in displaying the scenery and sucessfully prevented FSFK from showing the airport on the world map. I then decided to move the latter two files to another backup-directoy and now LOWG2009 works perfectly in FS9 and shows up correctly in FSFK.
WARNING: I do not recommend deleting these two files if someone has the same problems. Before moving or deleting please make sure, what they are needed for. In my case they were not needed ;)

Concerning Vienna (FlyTampa LOWW v2) Thomas Molitor is checking my AFCAD file and will send it back to me, as soon as he is done. :)
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