Szymon Kwiatkowski said:
Hello again, I have one more question -
how should I do that all in FSPassengers, step by step?
For example do that all with the airline there, buy an airplane, etc.
I road the ACH Pilot Tutorial, but that isn't there..

When you create your company on FSpax, you have to select or unselect, as you want, some options.
There is :
- Economic option : it gives you money to start and buy your first plane but then, you have to earn money to repair your plane, do maintenance etc. To earn money, you just have to fly boarding passengers.
- Career : You begin C0 and then, you will have points and be able to be promote. You will also need a particular number of flight hour. The highter is c6 if i remember well. But you have to know that a C0 pilot cannot fly an B727 or an ATR. So if you want a company just vor Air Child, you should not activate the career mod. Personaly, i'm C4 on my career, so i'm unable to fly ATR72. So i create an other company whitout career mod on FSpax, just for the ATR of Air Child.
On career mod, you also have to know thaht you will only be able to fly plane you bought with your company money and the plane will be each time you will want to fly it, where you leave it last time. So for Air Child, it's easier to not activate the career mod.
- Failure : it allow you to select how many chance of fail you want to fly and how much harder will be the failure.
To buy an airplane, as you asked for it, you have to launch a flight with the plane you want and while you're at park, go to "FSpax" something as "company manager" (i don't know exactly in english, i got the french version) and then click "buy current fs plane".
P.S. To see fs pax bar on fs, press ctrl.