FeelThere/Wilco 737 PIC and FSInn

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Today 10:36 PM
I fly on IVAO and that will always be my main online ATC but for Air-Child events I would need to be on Vatsim. No problem, I am a member but I have always avoided it due to the problem with the FT 737 and FSInn - they do not like each other.

There have been many ideas put forward in the Vatsim forums as to how they can be made to live in peace and harmony but none work for me (or most other people).

Questions - does anyone here have W7 either 32 or 64 (mine is 64) and has managed to get the 737 fully functional with FSInn - if so can they please advise how it was done. Alternatively does Squawkbox work with Win7 64 - - certainly does not appear in the list of supported OS.
Hey William,

the only thing I can do for you is to confirm that SquawkBox (FS2004) works with WIn7 64bit without problems :)
Thanks for that Mario - unfortunately I am on FSX. I am certain the PMDG NGX will not be similarly affected. Just have to wait for that. :pop: Cannot see me wanting to fly the PIC after that.
I have FSInn running on VISTA64. I had to give all the .exe Files used by FSInn administrator permissions. Might be worth a try on WIN7 too...

Hi guys,

Is it possible to use the Wilco Feelthere PIC 737 classic for the Airchild 737 flights? Airchilds only has NG 737's in service but I would like to fly the classic every now and then. Would it work with FSpassenger to book a flight for the 737-700 and fly it with the 737-400?
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