It's not abandoned at all, this is the last "NOTAM" from FSA developers:
"FSAirlines redesign DAKURT - JAN 12, 2014
We are currently working on a complete redesign of FSAirlines. Improving usability, features & support times.
Have a look at a preview screenshot here."
As you can see, this message is 1 week old - JAN 12, 2014.
In FSE you have a lot of other things to do and it's more interactive then FSA. In FSA you can just buy/lease and fly airliners and set the ticket price. But i find it nice for airliners. The only problem for now is with charter flights, but i think i found the solution, need some testing. Anyway, we are going to keep this airline on FSA for a whille, if anybody wants to try:
1.register with a free account at FSA Flight Tracker: for Air-Child in airlines and apply for a job
After that, just searh for available flights. If no flights available, look for airplanes locations and move yourself there - buy a ticket to change location.
Like with FSE, you need to book a flight twice for now - here on Air-Child website and there on FSAirlines. And you need to use two reporting systems - one to report flight to Airchld(use whatever you use now to report your flights to Air-Child), and second to report to FSAirlines (FSAirlines Flight Tracker).
I think this will be nice addition for people who use ACH profesional career, it's something like that but with financial system.
If you have any qestions or need help with FSA, just contact Rafal or me