strange flight distance

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Can this be true? Flight 5043 operated with an A320 last day:

OE-LNU LSZH LOWW 14:35 16:15 01:40 1338 nm [Landed]

Zurich to Vienna 1.338 nm with a fuel consumption of 3.010 Kg Jet A1, 77 Pax and 5.899 Kg Cargo? Flight time 1:33h, Block time 1:40h.
1.338 nm? :shock:

I can't believe this.

Edit: I don't operated this flight, only saw this in the table.
Straight line distance is 327nm, so that seems like a big detour! Although fuel burn and block time are what I’d expect for the flight. Maybe an xacars error? Seems interesting that it’s almost exactly 1000nm too long
Flight: ACH5043 LSZH (Zurich) - LOWW (Vienna)


So the flight went FMEE-HKJK, 1625.7 nautical miles, but that takes 4,5 hours??? So maybe not. But that's what it says.

It's a regular flight but the route is wrong. So is this done by manually inputting something else as a route after downloading the flight? Or is something wrong with our system? Strange, strange...

Does the input of a wrong route affect XAcars in any way?

I'll look at some more flights of him tomorrow. See what's going on...

EDIT: his include 8 flights with a 1338 nm distance for various routes in 2018??? And 6x in 2017...

And, every one of those 1338 nm flights I looked at has the FMEE-HKJK route.

EDIT. I've sent him a pm. It could be pilot error or something in our schedule so I want to know.
Let me know if and when you get an answer Barthe.

Finally out of the hospital and back home since yesterday. Hopefully get some work done next week. Still recouperating and on sick leave at home until May 15th for starters and we will see from there but I'm guessing a one to two week extension will happen on the 15th. So I have some time on my hands.

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Christopher Bennett said:
Let me know if and when you get an answer Barthe.

Finally out of the hospital and back home since yesterday. Hopefully get some work done next week. Still recouperating and on sick leave at home until May 15th for starters and we will see from there but I'm guessing a one to two week extension will happen on the 15th. So I have some time on my hands.
Hi Christopher, good to hear you're out of hospital.

No reply to my pm so far. I think the best explanation is he's using regular flights to fly charter. But then the flight duration is still much too short.
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