so sad

Users Local time
Today 10:27 PM
Hi all!

Yesterday, as i quitely flown VHHh to EDDK in dream weather, crossing jan above Russia on VATSIM.
After around 11 hours flight, just during a perfect KOPAG 1C STAR, preparing to land.....
Fatal message appears tell me "Not enough memory, FS9 will close". :'(
Don't worry Pierre, It will better next time. :yes:

Pierre ;)
scroll down and find "AutoSave 1.501".
This will save your flights and prevents you of a nervous breakdown ;)
Thanks Norbert.

Do you think this soft is able to save panel state and FMS content from PMDG 747? :?:
If so, I'll use it at all flights.

Pierre ;)
Pierre Chassang said:
Do you think this soft is able to save panel state and FMS content from PMDG 747? :?: If so, I'll use it at all flights.

Pierre, it saves like you would save a flight in FS. So I think it dosn't work with the PMDG FMS. AutoSave is working in the backround. You can tell him to make a save file in a given time. Like all minute, all 5 minutes, all 10 minutes...
After a crash, you can load the latest save file, and you will be nearly at your last position. Pause FS and enter all Data in the FMS you need and if you are ready to fly, finish the pause and go...

I have used AutoSave in former times, because I have had the same prblems like Daniel. But now I have a very, very stable Windows and FS. So I don't use it anymore.

But I have other problems. I'm building a home cockpit. I have to use a driver for the Flaps and Throttle Hardware. I have just done a flight from EDDK tro EDDM. At cruise, the driver shuts down (don't know the reason. Thats PC life :rofl: ) I try to restart the driver, but now he can't find the hardware. The only way: Reboot the PC! And my flight? So I make the decission to land without working throtlles and flaps. Only with the autopilot. A very new expierence :rofl:

@Daniel, can you tell me which Window version you are using and wich FS version?
Hi Norbert and Daniel
Norbert Woeller said:
But now I have a very, very stable Windows and FS. So I don't use it anymore.

I think I have to format and reinstall my PC (running since may 2007).
Daniel Novotny said:
Im using WIN XP Professional SP2, and FS9.1

I have the same config.(Softs)

I'd like to know what happend with FS Flight Keeper in case of FS9.1 crash n' restart in the middle of a flight.
Is the flight is resumed or not? :?: :think:
If you can't tell me an answer, I'll ask directly to Thomas.

Keep you on the line

Pierre ;)
Pierre Chassang said:
I'd like to know what happend with FS Flight Keeper in case of FS9.1 crash n' restart in the middle of a flight.
Is the flight is resumed or not? :?: :think:

Yes that works.
Don't shut down FSFK after the FS crash. Start FS again, load the saved situation, pause, input all data in the FMS and so on, finish the pause, and FS Flightkeeper will go on working at the point where FS crashed.
So you can report your flight to Air-Child. I think that is what you are wondering.

Edit: Just a reminder for those who are interessted to buy FS Flightkeeper:
Daniel Novotny said:
Im using WIN XP Professional SP2, and FS9.1

I have SP3. But in former times it also worked very stable with SP2. I'm not a PC specialist. Maybe someone other can jumb in here? :think:
I also know these memory problems with FS9. Last time it happened to me on a relatively short flight from LEMD to EDDK, just 20nm from the runway, using pmdg's 747. Since then I always start FS9 through Alacrity-PC, a tool that shuts down unnecessary system processes and gives you more memory. What it also does is to defragment system memory. That's very important because FS9 can only use consistent memory blocks. Means, you may have 1.5 GB available but only 800 MB are unfragmented and usable by FS. With complex add-ons and additional software running, FS9 will sooner or later run out of memory. (btw: I had out of memory crashes with FSX as well; not much difference here)

Here's a link to the tool:

Be careful, though, which processes you shut down. Every system is different. Usually you can follow the advice of the software for each of the processes to leave it running or shut it down.
Once configured to your needs, it can really improve things a lot.
Pierre Chassang said:
I think I have to format and reinstall my PC (running since may 2007).
Ask Andrew. He is formatting his PC every 3 days :lol:
I used to reinstall my WIN XP about 7 - 10 times a week before I started flying :)
It´s about the same as flying, watch the progress and enter some data from time to time :)
Thanks to all for intersting answers.

I'll try immediately Alacritypc and see what's happend. :p

I've noticed the FSFK resume possibilities and will use them as soon (as later as possible) the memory issue occurs again. :yes:

Think i'll format my system soon. :think:

Thanks again :hi:
Pierre ;)
Some more information about optimizing your PC. Please have a look at this post in the simviation forum: ... 1208959973

The first post will give you some help in optimizing your system. But please (As Peter said above) Be careful, though, which processes you shut down, and only make changes on your PC you fully understand. But there are some usefull little helps. Who needs the shadow of the mouse?

The second post will give you a great guidline on how to work with the O&O Defrag Tool. For those who don't know the O&O Defrag Tool: In most tests this tool is allways the winner. Forget the Windows defrag tool. It's only a placebo.
With the O&O Defrag Tool you can defrag your harddrive to make it faster. And you will feel that it is faster. But with the guidline in this post you will feel that it is much more faster.
Thanks a lot for link.

I will study it and keep lessons from.
AlacritiPC is a nice soft that I now use.

Autosave seems not work as I thought, because panel sate is not recorded with PMDG. So reloading situation, panel configuration is erratic.

Yes Peter I read it with attention. :yes:


Pierre ;)
I made once more time the ACH2600 yesterday using AlacrityPC n' AutoSave.
The flight was fine. :yes:

I must set more accurately the services to shut off and the one not to gain performances. :think:

everything looks good (for the moment) :roll:

Pierre ;)
Hi! :hi:

The occasion to use your precious tip, Peter, occured yesterday.

I'm taxiing to Gate Charlie 4 EDDK under heavy rain at 05:20z after a 12h long haul flight from Bankok, the Marshmaller was in sight through my left window and suddenly.... :p

"There is not enough memory, FS will shutdown......" :devil:

So I saved the flight in FSFK and fortunately I used Autosave. 8)

I've shutted down the computer because it was late.
Today, I've reloaded the flight in FSFK and the last save in FS. So I've could finish the paking phase and record the flight into FSFK. :)

All this thanks to you. :rofl:

I'm no more so sad as the begining of this topic. :D

Thanks again Peter ;)
Pierre Chassang said:
Thanks again Peter ;)
Aside from the fact that the suggestion with flight saving was made by Norbert, I'm very glad you are a happy pilot again, Pierre! :lol:
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