UNICEF donations [update]

Peter Schindler

Users Local time
Today 9:41 AM
Today and for the first time, we have sent out notifications to all of our sponsors about their donation amounts for UNICEF for the last 3 months. As I already explained earlier, we started the calculations beginning with July 2009, instead of our public opening month, June, so that the next quarterly period ends at the end of the year rather than end of November.

We'd like to inform you that the total donation amount of all sponsors sums up to € 262.50 (ca. 385 $) for July to September. This is definitely better than nothing, and even better than we expected for the first 3 months. But it is only the beginning. We are constantly looking for further sponsorship partners, and our goal for next year is to reach 500 Euro quarterly, at least. And we are pretty certain to get there.

We'd like to thank all our sponsors for their kind support of this project and hope they will transfer the money to UNICEF quickly and thoroughly :yes:

Special thanks go to our member Tom Weber and his company Soundrats who do not show up on the sponsor list yet (due to a new logo in the make) but contributed anyway. Thanks, Tom!

Finally, we thank all Air-Child pilots for contributing to the good cause by flying a lot more than we thought when we started this VA! Thanks guys, you are great!!

Norbert & Peter
Re: UNICEF donations

YOU are Great, because YOU have create the concept. :champ: :clap:
I consider myself as simple subordinate, poud, but simple subordinate after all. :fly: ;)

Pierre ;)
Re: UNICEF donations

A subordinate ??!?? :eek: :eek:

Didn't you know that you have just been nominated for


Don't take it too serious - I was just playing around in photoshop while I should definitely be working on something else....
Now that I look at it, the badge reminds me of some beauty cream sold in Germany :lol:
Re: UNICEF donations

I think it´s sold in Austria as well :lol:

262€ seems quite a lot for the beginning.
Let´s hope we´ll be able to reach this goal. I´m quite confident.

my best wishes
Re: UNICEF donations

Peter Schindler said:
we thank all Air-Child pilots for contributing to the good cause by flying a lot more than we thought when we started this VA!

Hmmm, a total of 7 flights by me in that three month period. :oops:
As my school reports always use to say 'Could do better' :lol:

Well done to all the pilots who have helped raise so much in the early times of this new VA :yes:
Re: UNICEF donations

Andrew Williams said:
Hmmm, a total of 7 flights by me in that three month period. :oops:
You have other duties :lol:
Just like me - last flight in August.... :x
Re: UNICEF donations

Peter Schindler said:
Andrew Williams said:
Hmmm, a total of 7 flights by me in that three month period. :oops:
You have other duties :lol:
Just like me - last flight in August.... :x
Or me.
But it is worth to fly and report every single flight.
We don`t show how much a single sponsor is paying. We only anounce the total amount. We think that this is fair, because every cent is welcome. One can give more and one can give less. But what we can tell you is, that, with the amount of Air-Child flights, we will reach the maximum, the sponsors have set. But one sponsor don`t have set any maximum. So like I have said above:

It's worth to fly and report every single flight.

Thank you all
Best regards
Re: UNICEF donations

Ocean is made with water drops..... (Chinese proverb)

Pierre ;)
Re: UNICEF donations

wow.. I didn't know its already that big amount that have been donated to UNICEF..
its really worth every flight I've reported.. :)

BTW, i wonder if it would be nice that in the PIREP page... there would be a column that displays the submitted reports if they are paid or not..in that way I can be proud what I've flown and reported... just my two cents.. :yes:
Re: UNICEF donations

Genno Songcayawon said:
it would be nice that in the PIREP page... there would be a column that displays the submitted reports if they are paid or not..
I agree that this would be nice, Genno. But it's almost impossible to do. You probably know that each sponsor can set a budget limit per month. This is optional, but most of our sponsors used this and set some limit. At the moment we have so many flights that most limits are reached before the end of each month.
However, to indicate how much money a single flight made and at which time there's no more (or almost no) "income" is practically impossible because all sponsors have different per-flight amounts and different limits. Additionally, there's some (2 at the moment) sponsors without a limit, that's why flights still generate money at the end of a month, however much less.
I have no idea how to calculate this for every single flight, though :think:

Without any budgets I could easily indicate that each flight currently makes 1.62 euros. But it doesn't fit, because one sponsor, for example, has a per-flight amount of 50 eurocents with a limit of 20 euros monthly. After 40 flights that limit is already reached. Means that the per-flight setting is way too high (or the budget too small, lol), but that's his decision, not ours...

So, at the moment I don't see how to do that. Unless some math genius comes along and tells me how to do it. ;)
Re: UNICEF donations

Speaking of donations, we'd like to welcome our new sponsor Flugsimulator Berlin. Thanks for the support, guys!!

We also have a new private sponsor - one of the pilots - who didn't want to appear on the list. I'll have to contact him if we can mention him on the forum, however.
Re: UNICEF donations

Peter Schindler said:
We'd like to inform you that the total donation amount of all sponsors sums up to € 262.50 (ca. 385 $) for July to September. This is definitely better than nothing, and even better than we expected for the first 3 months. But it is only the beginning. We are constantly looking for further sponsorship partners, and our goal for next year is to reach 500 Euro quarterly, at least. And we are pretty certain to get there.

Genno Songcayawon said:
wow.. I didn't know its already that big amount that have been donated to UNICEF..
its really worth every flight I've reported.. :)

...and we have just reached € 405,00 (ca 578,58 $) quarterly :D
Re: UNICEF donations

A fact is:
Average costs for Food for Family for a Week in Tanzania (for a family of five) = $25

In other words: from the early 90's where I had started my FS hobby, my Wife was told me: you wasting your time. How it again darling ? That's maybe 10000h until now ? ok may be some thousands more, who's cares... ;)
And you know what ? she was right...was - because she isn't more. The very first time I realy feel sense of it. Like badly paid bushpilot which received the opportunity to work in a large Airline.
Just like you say Norbert: It's worth to fly !
Re: UNICEF donations

I may also mention now the Air-Child pilot who was so kind to support Unicef donations personally. It is Yoram Benary. We say "Servus" to Ohio and Thanks a lot, Yoram, for joining the sponsor team!
Should anyone else wish to donate his loose cash, just drop us a note 8) 8)
Re: UNICEF donations

Hi all,

Thanks Yoram.
We need wonderfull people like you. :clap: :champ:

Pierre ;)
Re: UNICEF donations

One week before christmas we'd like to give a short summary of the current standings of donations for Oct-Dec, though we don't have the exact amount yet, in relation to flights made. Calculation below shows the figures for Sep-Nov, which will probably not differ much from Oct-Dec. At the end there's also a 20 Euro "extra", the cost of a FlightKeeper3 update that I kindly received for free from Thomas Molitor (thanks again, Thomas). So I decided to donate that money.

Total sponsor donations for 1,240 flights: 325 Euros
Made through LOWG-UKBB event: 20 Euros
Made through "Santa" event: 35 Euros
Extra: 20 Euros

Total: 400 Euros

we're already getting closer to the 500 €/quarterly, projected for next year ;)
As explained above, the final sum until the end of this month may vary by a few euros.

Notifications to all partners will be sent out in the first week of January.
Thanks to all who support UNICEF!

Re: UNICEF donations

It is wonderfull !!! :clap: :clap:

I really love to be an AIR-CHILD pilot.

Thanks to Thomas, all Sponsors and Peter. :thx: :thx:

Pierre ;)
Re: UNICEF donations

I believe the extra money is due to me upping my flying rate by a massive 33%, from 6 flights the last 3 months, to a total of 8 flights these 3 months :oops:

Congratulations to all of the pilots who have flown to make up this total :yes:
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