On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC LOWS-EPWA

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Today 10:26 PM
Dear ACH pilots,

:fly: :fly: :fly:

we are planning another tutorial/training flight for those who would like to take the bull by the horns and gain a bit of experience in flying on VATSIM.

For the comfort of the newbies (or 'oldbies' who would like to refresh their on-line skills) we will ask our ACH pilots, who are also controllers, to provide ATC, and other stations along the way will be informed that this is a training flight. Some 'a bit more experienced' ACH pilots will also participate - to help/advise if necessary and congratulate in the end. ;)

It will be going to be an easy flight of about 1:30 m, from a small cosy airport - Salzburg, to a medium size Warsaw airoport, with an easy taxiway system. The tutorial flight will include standard departure, cruise and approach, no holdings, racetracks, diversions or emergencies. An easy basic flight. :D

The tutorial on-line flight guide for this flight is now available for download in the ACH VA "documents" section:

The flight is initially planned for December 4th, 19.00 UTC.

Please let me know, on the forum or via PM, if you would like to have a go. I need this information before I start pestering ATC :eek:uch:

Re: On-line tutorial flight - new sesion

Perfect work Rafal.

However, as I'm disabled person because I'm deaf, I can't use Teamspeak.
I've tested text mode, but it is very long to type messages.
So I've abandoned online flight. Sorry. :'(

Pierre ;)
Re: On-line tutorial flight - new sesion


I know it takes longer to type, but you can also type on Sqawkbox to communicate with ATC, many pilots do. We want you to fly with us! :'(
Re: On-line tutorial flight - new sesion

I will try to install and use Sqwabox because I'd like to fly online with you and all. :?

Pierre ;)
Re: On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC

Dear Pilots,

let me notify you briefly that the final tutorial flight date and time is Friday December 4th, 19.00 UTC.
See you all in LOWS!

:fly: :fly: :fly:

Re: On-line tutorial flight - new sesion

Pierre Chassang said:
but it is very long to type messages.
Don't be worry about. You do not have to retype exactly what the ATC tells you. Example if ATC type "wind 350 at 8 RWY33 you are cleared to land", just answer with "ctl 33" (that means cleared to land 33), or "descend to 6000ft by QNH1013 expect vectors ILS RWY 33 approach", can be confirmed with simple "6000 1013" because this is the comand, the rest is just information for you. In this case, full readback will be improper use of the broadcasting time :)
Irrespective of the most important is: first navigate and then communicate. If the ATC tells you to turn XXX degrees, first turn in to the heading and then type your readback.
See you in Warsaw, I will be there as an APP ;)

EDIT: Rafał - full ATC coverage is already organized ;) :
http://www.pl-vacc.org/pol3/info.php?d= ... 04#booking
Re: On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC

Thanks for support Tomasz.

Will try to fly this.

Pierre ;)
Re: On-line tutorial flight - new sesion

Pierre Chassang said:
I've tested text mode, but it is very long to type messages. ... I will try to install and use Sqwabox because I'd like to fly online with you and all
Pierre, I don't know if you ever looked at FsInn. It is a bit more complicated to setup and also to use (I've switched to Squawkbox by now) but it offers a lot of shortcuts for ATC text messages, like click on a button and it writes down a standard phrase where you just fill in the variable values. At least, that's what I remember. Might be a faster alternative for you.

@Rafal: thanks for the Friday ;) Will be there.
@Drew: what about you, my son? Friday? I'll be waiting for you.... ;)
Re: On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC

Good old boys! :hug:
I knew I could coun't on you!

If Andrew fails to taxi I'll tow his aircraft up to FL370 and let go. :mrgreen:
Re: On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC

Rafal Bardel said:
I'll tow his aircraft up to FL370 and let go.
Cost index 10 by the dispatsch - you have to go 410 :p
(Old one: If there were a better Dispatcher, Icarus would be still alive ;) )
Re: On-line tutorial flight - new sesion

Peter Schindler said:
@Drew: what about you, my son? Friday? I'll be waiting for you.... ;)

I couldn't actually say for certain right now what I will be doing. Probably getting drunk somewhere :lol: but will try to get online at the start to have a little watch.

I don't have sqawkbox or anything installed at the minute.
I've not had chance to read the tutorial yet either.
And finally, the only plane I know how to fly well, is the ATR, and everyone will be in jets, so i'll be left :lol: Need to dust off the md-11 again and relearn how to fly that.
Re: On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC


Get squawbox from the net. Takes 15 minutes to set it up.
A bit of md-11 brush-up won't do harm.

No excuses: now or never :devil: :mrgreen:
Re: On-line tutorial flight - new sesion

Andrew Williams said:
Probably getting drunk somewhere :lol:
I knew....
I don't have sqawkbox or anything installed at the minute.
... you'd come up ....
I've not had chance to read the tutorial yet either.
... with some ....
And finally, the only plane I know how to fly well, is the ATR
... totally lame excuses!!!
:x :envy: :yawn:

Rafal's right with SB installation. It's quick and easy. Depending on who's joining at all, we can also use ATR's. It's a short flight, anyway.

So: MOVE YOUR ASS! :devil:
Re: On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC

Making progress, Sqawkbox installed :)

  • What server am I suppose to connect to?
  • When I add my aircraft, what airline and livery do I choose
  • Where do i add the 'newbie' or 'observer' tag
Re: On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC


that's more like it :cheers:
Andrew Williams said:
What server am I suppose to connect to?
- any you have subscibed for (20GBP per hour). :rofl: :mrgreen:
Serious: any. If you are in Europe choose any European. Oceania is OK, too.
Andrew Williams said:
When I add my aircraft, what airline and livery do I choose
- the type you will use. The livery you like (no ACH at the moment)
Andrew Williams said:
Where do i add the 'newbie' or 'observer' tag[/list]
- in the "comments" field of your flight plan section of Squawkbox.

More questions? Feel free :yes:

Re: On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC

Ok, think I did something wrong :lol:

Just playing here, don't plan to attempt to fly.

Booked flight here
Submitted the vatsim flight plan via the link here
entered vatsim id and password, and clicked the file flightplan (said was submitted and retained for 2 hours)
Started fsx
started squawk
clicked connect
changed ACH to the flight number, and connected
clicked flightplan - and it wasn't filled in, totally empty :|

Is the flight plan suppose to be completed, or did I do something in the wrong order :think:
Re: On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC


First log in, then file flight plan. You won't see it in Sbox, but it should be there on the network.

Or use an alternative method, to be sure:

Go to your booking at ACH website.
Good. Copy only the route (eg. WRB B293 ESADU T858 KOPAG) into the clipboard.
Get a drink and return.
Now switch to FS, open the Fligh Plan Section of Squawkbox. Paste your route into the Flight Plan field.

Now on the left fill in other boxes in this section, Dep, Dest Airport, flight level (must be there), approximate cruise true speed in knots. Don't leave blank fields. You will find most of the info needed in your flight briefing and on the FILE FLIGHT PLAN at the ACH website. Save and close.

Connect to network.
Use the "Send flight plan" in your Sqbox. That's it.

The thing is, your Squawbok does not have the capability of retrieving plans that have been previously filed, from the network. But it can be succeesfully used to file plans.

If you are still connected send me the callsign via PM you are using at the moment. I'll check your flight plan.

Good luck. :hi:
Re: On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC

Rafal Bardel said:
The thing is, your Squawbok does not have the capability of retrieving plans that have been previously filed, from the network. But it can be succeesfully used to file plans.
That's right - but it doesn't have to, does it? If you pre-filed the plan then the controllers will have it anyway. No need to re-file it via SB. Or am I wrong?

ps: still having headset trouble (a good excuse, too, I know ;) ) but getting there, I think. it's some weird USB device mess. think I'll get it right until Friday...
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