Re: On-line tutorial flight - December 4th, 19.00 UTC
Tomasz Wydrzynski said:
Peter Schindler said:
If you pre-filed the plan then the controllers will have it anyway. No need to re-file it via SB. Or am I wrong?
Yes Peter, you are wrong. Prefiled fp's are shown only by Servinfo ( and well configured web pages. Regardless of what kind of software the controller uses the flight plan will not be displayed automatically. You have to add the plan manualy in to SB.
No, you don't have to add a pre-filed plan manualy into SB. You only have to connect your SB, and you are done.
Guys, with our "File Plan to VATSIM Button" it's very, very easy to go online! Let me explain how I get online:
After you have booked a flight, go to "my bookings", click on that flight, change some data (like Taxi Time, Cargo...), click "create flightplan", (maybe add some EXTRA Fuel) and then:
1) click on "File Plan to VATSIM / ID: xxxxxx", the VATSIM "Flight Plan Management" opens
2) Type in your VATSIM ID and VATSIM Password. (If you are useing Firefox, you can save your ID and Password, so you never have to add it in the future)
3) click on the "File Flight Plan" button. (Your Flightplan is now vissible as Pre-filed, for example in ServInfo)
4) Start SquawkBox, click on connect. If you are using SB for the first time, type in your VATSIM ID and VATSIM Password, (mark the "Remember Password" checkbox, so you never have to add it in the future. Same for "Home Airport", "First name" and "Last name". SB will remember that for the future).
5) Type in your Callsign (very importend: it must be the same as shown in the VATSIM "Flight Plan Management") and select the Aircraft you are flying for this flight. (If you are using SB for the first time, you have to add it in the "Aircraft List...")
6) Click "Connect" and you are done. (Your Flightplan is now vissible, for example in ServInfo AND for the Controller) No need to add the flightplan in SB.
You can see, you will be online in less then a minute