Fokker 100 suddenly stall, why ?

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Tomorrow 12:25 AM

I discover the Fokker I'm a real newbie. Here is my very first problem with this aircraft: I started the first tutorial.....everything went fine...until I made the takeoff: few seconds after I leave the ground the airplane suddenly started to turn to the left with the nose to the ground.....there was no response to my yoke's input !! I use to remember that I've had the same kind of problem with the Maddog from Leonardo....but I don't remember if there is any explanation to that.... is it in relation with FSUIPC or the DIgital Aviation Fokker ?
Does anyone experience the same problem....and maybe found the culprit ??

Thanks a lot for any suggestions / help !


PS: sorry for my bad english....not my mother language....
Cedric Bandelier said:

I discover the Fokker I'm a real newbie. Here is my very first problem with this aircraft: I started the first tutorial.....everything went fine...until I made the takeoff: few seconds after I leave the ground the airplane suddenly started to turn to the left with the nose to the ground.....there was no response to my yoke's input !! I use to remember that I've had the same kind of problem with the Maddog from Leonardo....but I don't remember if there is any explanation to that.... is it in relation with FSUIPC or the DIgital Aviation Fokker ?
Does anyone experience the same problem....and maybe found the culprit ??

Thanks a lot for any suggestions / help !


PS: sorry for my bad english....not my mother language....

Flap Overspeed followed by structural damage?
Thanks....but it was a 0 flaps takeoff...and I'm pretty sure it's an "addon" problem....not related to the way I made the takeoff......

Thanks !

Has it happened only once or does it happen every time?

Check your instruments, what was your indicated air speed? what was the N1 on your engines? What was the temperature, very cold or very hot? Did both engines produce equal thrust?

How was your aircraft loaded? Check the weight and Centre of Gravity?

That might help find your problem.
Thanks for your suggestions Franck....I must admit that it was the first time....but as I strictly follow the tutorial (and I remember having quite a similar problem in the past with the MD-82) I was wondering why.... Anyway: I'll give another try, moving to another airport and checking yours suggestions !

I'll keep you in touch.

Cedric, if you use the Digital Aviation Fokker, please have a look at their forum concerning joystick/yoke setup. Especially if you have made inividual setup through fsuipc you have to reset almost all settings there to default, to make sure those settings don't collide with the Fokker ....

Here's a quote from a forum post over there:

- Remove all Flap and Spoiler axis assignments from extern hardware levers
- You can use joystick buttons or switches for that, there for assign the FLAP INCR and FLAP DECR even without any repeat setting (!)
- Remove all Flap and Spoiler assignment repeat settings to 0
- IF YOU HAVE DIRECT AXES PROCESSING IN FSUIPC DISABLE THAT, thats really vital vor porper flap and spoiler defelction
Full thread here:

That was one reason why I finally gave up on the DA Fokker because, when I finally had all the controls working as they should, all other aircraft behaved like crap because the fsuipc settings were lost :x
That aircraft is really a very good simulation but it's kind of frustrating if you have to erase all custom setups for other aircraft.

here's another thread that could be useful ... =46&t=4549
as well as this one ... =46&t=4339

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the tip. I made a new test flight yesterday, after reinstalling FSUIPC and clearing all weather parameters via FSUIPC (weather OFF): no problem at all. I don't have the anwser but I pretty sure it comes from you said..but let me say that I never used FSUIPC for setting axis parameters... seems to work !

I have a specific question for you, peter: why using FSUIPC for your you own some specific MCP-CDU ? Do you think that FSUIPC calibration and parameters are far more precises than the default one ?

Thanks for your help.

Cedric Bandelier said:
let me say that I never used FSUIPC for setting axis parameters...
Then you're a lucky man ;)
why using FSUIPC for your you own some specific MCP-CDU ? Do you think that FSUIPC calibration and parameters are far more precises than the default one ?
No, I use a Saitek yoke (well, I used to use a Saitek yoke - until some wires snapped, and now I don't fly until I have time to repair it). I have the 3 throttle axes assigned to thrust, nosewheel steering and flaps. Except nosewheel steering (only possible with fsuipc) you can also assign those through FS setup, but fsuipc allows much better fine tuning. For example, you can setup sensitivity "curves", like higher sensitivity in the lower thrust range (good for smooth taxi thrust) and lower sensitivity in the upper range, where you need max takeoff thrust, anyway ;)
The same goes for rudder setup and differential brakes. And the best: fsuipc lets you assign individual setups to each and every aircraft you have installed.
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