Xacars problem

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Today 3:04 AM
Hi all,

I don't know if its me being stupid I Downloaded

XACARS from the website
and the ini. file from my personal files

i installed the ini.file on the xacars install folder replacing the old one with AIR CHILD configure

put flight number in top and presses the Xacars info what give me the details of my flight but for some reason the START button don't work and I cant press it (its faded)

any help would be great thanks

Wes Boyle - ACH0471
Re: Xacars proplem

Never used the program, but in the Airchild Manual is says the park brake must be set and the engines off.
Did you do this?
Re: Xacars proplem

If you're using the FS version and run it with windows vista or windows 7, you also have to start the programm as an administrator.

Cheers Steve
Re: Xacars proplem

opps forgot to turn engins off

cheers :oops:

Wes Boyle - ACH0471
Hi everyone - I am encountering exactly the same problem (i.e. the START ACARS button remains greyed and inactive) despite doing everything as instructed (parking brake etc included). This costed me another night on the ground and I have only 13 days left to make my first flight in VATSIM :x
I am going to try with Flightkeeper although I preferred to start simple and cheap...
Good night from a stranded and frustrated wanna-be-pilot
Re: Xacars proplem

I do, although I did not register it... It is shown under the "module" menu while in FS2004... When I click on it a few options appear (e.g. logging etc) - do I need to activate it or what?
Thanks for your attention to this and congrats on your upcoming wedding!
Re: Xacars proplem

xacars do not need registered version of fsuipc, should work fine with unregistered.

once again short summary:
1. make sure that xacars AND FS are run under administrator account/priviledges
2. download and install config file from pilot profile area into xacars folder
3. it is suggested, but NOT NEEDED to run airplane same as in flightplan/booking, including register number
4. set weights (cargo/pax/fuel), weather, time, stand/gate, turn parking brake ON, turn engines OFF
5. type flight number WITH "ach" in xacars, then "get acars flightdata"

start should be active.

sometimes it may be needed to reset fsuipc plugin (dont remember where config files are, but probably near fsuipc.dll file) by deleting cfg/ini (dont remember witch one) from fsuipc/plugin folder

last thing - make sure that You are using correct fsuipc for correct FS version.
fs9 - fsuipc3.x
fsx - fsuipc4.x
xacars newest version is 2.5.0

try checking all this stuff, and tell if that worked :)
Giuseppe Alvaro said:
I am going to try with Flightkeeper although I preferred to start simple and cheap...

You won't regret choosing Flight Keeper. Plus you don't have to spend straight away, as there is a trial version (though with some limitations).

Then you can get a discount on flight keeper if you decide to buy.
Re: Xacars proplem

Dear All

thanks for your advices which I diligently followed, but XAcars refuses to work on my PC. It is there, it retrieves the flight data correctly but the damn "START" key just won't activate. :x

Thus I decided to turn to Flighkeeper (certainly a much better program) and with that I was able to start (at last!) my first flight online but unfortunately my PC crashed twice - it is a bit old and flightkeeper eats a lot of RAM. I noticed that the crashes happend when I try to change view (I love to see my deHavilland from outside sometimes) so I guess that if I stick to the cockpit view I should be able to log my first flight for Air Child before the end of the day. No congratulation banners at the arrival please - I am trying to pass for a veteran ;)

Blue skies to all.
Re: Xacars proplem

Huh, looks good, so far. I can see you on the map 8)
All the best for your maiden flight!!

btw: I hope you are still using the test version of FlightKeeper and didn't buy it yet. As I told you via email (and Andrew told you here) you can have it at 10€ off the regular price as an ACH pilot. But we have to transmit your data to Aerosoft, first. So, if you're interested to buy it (and didn't yet), send me a PM or email before doing so.

MAIDEN FLIGHT SUCCESSFULLY PERFORMED - not without embarassment when LIRR ATC appeared unexpectedly and I had not the palest clue what to say... I had chosen Italy for my maiden trip just because there was no ATC at all when I started ;)
He was nice - and I apologized for my naivity with a private chat. I definitely need to study more the bloody ATC communication standards and much more but... the ice is broken and ACH has a new pilot 8)
By the way FlightKeeper is really GREAT - I certainly am going to convert the trial version in a buy - I'll contact you soon Peter about this - thanks!!
Thank you for sympathizing with my enthusiasm :) Ciao!
Xacars curious

Hi guys,
I have a very curios Problem with xacars regarding the "Start xacars".
Sometimes, I'm not able to start xacars (the button remains inactive) and sometimes, it works properly.
Yesterday I had a flight, which started correctly and was reported correct. Today xacars was unable to start without any Error-message.
Very curious is the fact, that the same installation works properly when unsing an Leipzig-air .ini
Does anyone have an idea?
Re: Xacars proplem

Mindstorming: connection problems with our ACH server?
Anyway i would reccoment to start xacars as one of last stuff, probably just before starting engines.
Re: Xacars proplem

yep, an then you've done half an hour flight-preparation to get to know, that the flight cannot be reported. Not the ultimate solution.
But nevertheless, thanks for answer.
Re: Xacars proplem

This has nothing to do with .ini files or server connection. You may compare your LHA and ACH ini files. Apart from user/password there shouldn't be any differences - unless they use something special, because XAcars has mainly been developped by LHA, as far as I know.

If you have no server connection, XAcars should bring up this message:

You could still start the flight recording if all necessary fields are filled in. If not, the Start button will be greyed out.
If you can "Get ACARS flightdata" (strongly recommended) then your server connection is fine, btw.
If you are using Vista or Win7, always start XAcars as Administrator.

Should this happen again, please post a screenshot of your XAcars window. You can also get support directly from the XAcars team through their website.
Re: Xacars proplem

Thanks Peter.
It's not the problem connecting to Ach-Server. I can get the flightdata every time. But xacars leaves the button "Start xacars" grey, so I'm unable to start the flight-tracking.
Re: Xacars proplem

Now that I think of it, I remember that we had one or two similar situations in the past. I don't know if those members could solve the problem or not. We suspected missing administrator rights, but there was no more feedback.
I actually doubt it has to do with Air-Child settings, but you never know ...
Maybe you can also send the problem to xacars.net, see if they have any better ideas :?
Thanks Peter,
I just sent a ticket to xacars-support. I'll keep you informed if there is any solution in sight.
Many regards
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