Monthly Group Flight

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Today 3:55 AM
Hi pilots,
is there a group flight next saturday - it is very quiete here...?
Cheers Tom
Sorry, I have forgotten to add a poll this month - actual I'm reinstalling my simulator and coming weekend my wife ordered me to paint our living room. So I won't come on saturday and will be some days off....

I'm not really sure. From Almeira (that was my last LEG) it was planned to fly to an African destination. And I can remember, that I have read Andre's thread, where he announced that he was preparing his flight for that day. But I don't know, if he flew....

But he has published a map with possible destinations from that African point - so I think, that he has made the flight....
I did send a mail to Andre to ask if he has a proposal for the next saturday.
Cheers Tom
Hi I have suggestion, since there is no destination yet . What if we all flying just meet Saturday at 10 00 zulu as normal in cockpit with plane cold and dark ,just on team speak and from there we deside where to and from we going to fly . Shouldnt be a problem to reposition after that to specific location . I can get flight plan from fsbuil or vrout and then just go for it . Just like a blind pilots. should be interesting . We can past the info over team speak for departure or arrival procedure . :?: cheers Petr
Not a bad idea - but I really like to know before cause I want to search for a scenery of the destination.
Cheers Tom
Hi all

there is a Topic about the Leg 9

Personaly i will not be able to fly the leg this Saturday on 10z or 13z.

Regards André
Hi I want to ask if it would be possible to update main page after completing monthly group flight One shot is monthly flight going back to August and other one November. It would be surely easy to follow for new pilots please. Thanks Petr
Hy all

short question: how we will now continue? do we have a Flight this month or is the next Flight at the first Saturday of April?

Regards André
Hi Andre, I don't know perhaps not many pilots interested anymore on Saturdays flights. The poll might be not interested to some I am not sure . However I flight once a week VFR organize by members Vatpac Australia and it works good . They fly 3 times a week so the chance to build up vfr community is much grater then once a month. I would suggest forget the poll where we gona fly but simply suggestion of any who once to participate would do .
1. departing place
2. destination place
3.flight plan for IFR hight alt airways
4. flight plan for IFR low alt airways
5. distance and astimated time of flight
6. sugested scenery
We can also use scenery frequently flight as that give as a chance of having a ATC without booking anything and also most of as purchased scenery before so we can flight to this nice places . The frequency is up to as . So if we decide to meet on Friday so be it if on Saturday so be it . As long as we meet up I think the attandance will increse . At the moment I think is to much to fix just to poll and one time a month .

Example : ( lets meet next Saturday )
Departure: EDDF Frankfurt Main (Germany)
ESSA Stockholm Arlanda (Sweden)

FL range: 285 - 460 Distance: 681.3 nm

Alternate airports: ENGM Oslo Gardermoen 207 nm

Typically operated by: A306, A319, A320, A321, B733, B736, MD80, MD82

now just the time perhaps lets fly next Saturday 15/03/13 1200 zulu

suggested scenery ( some links for scenery if available )
and the time would be flexible to change for people who are really interested to fly . And that's it . So if you have any nice scenery or good place to fly so we will join without any poll as I think at the and no great numbers of pilots meet . Having said that I couldn't coz technical issue with internet and then my sim get me CTD 3 times ,but there is no reason why to wait for next month to come . So let me know what you think . Try to think to make it more simple and more available for others to join when they time allow them .

Regards Petr :?:
Hm, well this is another but well known approach to group flights. This works for pilots in many countries vfr or ifr. I liked he idea to start at the arrival destination and l like to land at a good scenery. But there is still at leastbon person who organizes the flight. I suggest that the new destination is only limited to working addon scenery but it should exist for all the 3 used sims FS9, FSX, XP. Of course FS9 and XP will offer rhe most sceneries. We can start sharing, building up a server for sharing sceneries (if it is not protected payware). We should just meet on Teamspeak and go for the flight. ATC would be nice but no ATC shouldn't stop the fun.
Ok lets try the EDDF ESSA flight saturday 12:00 zulu. ithink for this flight anybody on sim has scenery.
Cheers Tom
Szymon Kurzacz said:
Most FS9 sceneries can be easlily converted to XPL9, witch no or almost no glitches. "fs2xpl" is made for that.

I know - but you have to repair a lot if you convert and not everybody knows how to do that. so sharing can be a nice thing - I myself have hundreds of XP sceneries (Hartmut Krüger did very good repairs) and I am willing to share for ACH groupe flights if this scenerie exists for FS9 / FSX and XP - so that every sim can participate. The groupeflights should be possibel for all 3 sims with a good and comparable scenery.
Cheers Tom
Hi yes Tom that is nice to have a same scenery I have to admit . However at the moment we are lack of pilots attending monthly flight . the question is why ? is it coz the scenery not nice or not compatible or just simply perhaps not have a chance at the time we are flying . Therefore, my suggestion was simple forget the poll just suggest where we are going to fly ,flight plan so we can fly same track ( must have a current airac in other wise NGX wont recognize waypoints if manually inserted ) distance etc. if scenery yes suggest scenery as well . However please forget to fly once a months some people might have a chance to fly Friday some perhaps Saturday we have to give them a chance too to attend . Not good to fly once a months that's not how you build a numbers lets say Friday next week or Saturday perhaphs? . Why I think people generally flying this days well why not to join the group. As I say nothing to difficult to set up . if anyone once nice scenery so be it if not default should do . Don't forget flying is about flying , not so much looking out the window. Just keep it simple ,but more frequent available to more pilots . Can not attend this flight, well not a problem I fly next week, something like that . Happy flying Petr

let me know when we are flying ( next week or perhaps ?)
For me it's, that i have almost no free time on weekends. Most free time i have during normal week days on morning (mon-fri from 8:00-9:00 up to 13:00 zulu)...
Dear Captains

I think most people have time free in the evening, preferably during the weekend. I'd suggest to set and publish a route / flight plan along with a date/time fix for a VA flight twice a week, i.e. once at 2000 UTC (for Air-Childers living in Europe) and another time at 0300 UTC (for Air-Childers living in the Americas).
It surely won't cover everybody's expectations, but will definitely offer more chances of enjoying a group flight together.
Blue skies to all
Hi thanks for opinion. I have to second that . The time you can not attend perhaps other can .
Cheers Petr
Hi to all. Yesterday Norbert called me to talk about the groupflights. Soon he will come up with a new idea about the groupflights which will make the whole thing much more open and interesting. He will post his suggestion very soon to discuss it here - lets wait for him.
Cheers Tom
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